legit_regit @ 2003-04-27 14:04:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | La Tribu des Pieds - Manau |
No Plays in the Library and Toffee in the Halls
Does anyone have a copy of Malecrit's Hélas, j'ai Transfiguré mes Pieds? I need to check a reference for an assignment I'm working on but it seems the library's copy has been taken out. Lisa lost her's, I believe and I'm pretty sure Terry's disappeared. I'll see if Padma has a copy when she wakes up. I don't think she slept too well last night and I wanted to talk with her anyway. There weren't too many people in the library, which was nice. I just wish I could find a copy of that script. -_-
Half way down the hall on my way back there was a crash right behind me. I spun around, and there stood a house elf ankle deep in what looked like toffee sauce, holding half a tray of extra chocolaty éclairs. The other half were scattered about in the toffee sauce. She was muttering something under breath like "Mr. Wheezy's tasties!" or something, I wasn't really paying her that much attention because my shoes were stuck in the toffee sauce - Ick! I hate toffee! Thank Circe the house elf had it cleaned up in a snap, my feet are not éclairs!
Well, I have a paper to finish hopefully without another attempt at the transfiguration of my feet. I think my loafers still smell a bit like toffee. -__________-