lupercus @ 2002-11-07 22:48:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
I'd forgotten about updating this journal.
Not that I have much to say, at the moment. I didn't want to go to the Malfoy gathering on Saturday, but I did it for Charlie, in the end. He didn't want to stay cooped up in the castle all weekend, especially Hallowe'en, and I suppose I can't say that I blame him. I just haven't felt much like celebrating, as of late.
Nevertheless we went, him as Schmendrick the Magician and I as the Crow. As I'm sure you've all learned in Defence Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic, and Muggle Studies, Schmendrick was a would-be wizard involved in the Unicorn Uprising of the 14th Century, while the Crow is a Muggle mutation of ancient history: when someone dies, a crow escorts their soul to the Land of the Dead. Or, on occasion, brings them back to right any wrong they may have left behind.
Charlie suggested it, actually, because in his words, "The Crow is bloody hot."
So, we went to the Gala, and I suppose it was lovely as Galas go. I'm just not one for large social gatherings of people, I'm afraid. In the end Charlie and I went for a walk out in the garden and avoided most of the party guests.
Most, but unfortunately, not all.
Unfortunately, some people seem to think that they are still fifteen years old, and given to immature brawling in public places. A sorry way for a professor to behave, honestly. Appalled, Charlie and I left shortly after the incident with the dragon, valiantly handled by my companion, and retired to my rooms for a quiet evening.
Sadly, the evening did not stay quiet for long, but that is not anyone's business but our own, and that is all I have to say on the subject.
I am off now, to prepare quizzes for all years for the coming week.
I suggest that everyone study.
blondenarcissa @ 2002-11-08 06:58 pm UTC |
Sadly, the evening did not stay quiet for long, but that is not anyone's business but our own, and that is all I have to say on the subject.
I do hope that things begin to look up for you. You are a lovely man and I cannot thank you enough again for inadvertently saving my home. I do hope you enjoy the exquisite Chianti I am sending you in gratitude via owl. You should receive it shortly after this response posts.
~Narcissa Malfoy
lupercus @ 2002-11-10 12:53 pm UTC |
Er, thank you for the kind words, and the Chianti, though honestly I appreciate the former quite a bit more.
I do hope you will not take this the wrong way, but you are a much more agreeable - and enjoyable - person than your surname would suggest, and them what gave it to you.
Am sending in return (with my owl, Thetis - do not be alarmed by his mechanical state) something of my grandmother's that I thought you might enjoy. She was, like you, a curator of the finer things in life, and I think this serpentine brooch might suit you. It is enchanted, as well, to detect when those around you are being less than truthful. You may find this amusing. Or useful.
Be well, Narcissa.
- Remus Lupin
blondenarcissa @ 2002-11-10 01:27 pm UTC |
Thank you for the compliment. I do realize that many of your colleagues have an ill opinion of me. However, most often I find this sour view stems from a dislike of my husband. It is no fault of his that he happens to be a man of great influence about the wizarding community. You are perhaps one of the few whom sees that I am a seperate entity of him capable of my own thoughts and actions. Of course, I do support Lucius in most of what he does but this is beside the current point.
I did find your owl, although decidely curious, to be very interesting and well-tempered. I cannot thank you enough or properly express how pleased I was to receive your grandmother's brooch. Great care will be taken with it and I assure you I shall treasure it.
~Narcissa Malfoy