lupercus @ 2002-12-13 14:17:00

Current mood: melancholy
Current music:"Do They Know It's Christmas?" - Band Aid

Hm. It has been a while, hasn't it?

I'm afraid I've been terribly busy, with giving exams and preparing for the next term. The latter has involved quite a bit of research and excursions in an effort to procure new and interesting beasts for the students to learn about. The menagerie will need expanding; I must speak to the Headmaster and Filch about that.

Beyond that, there's very little to report. Christmas approaches, and I've been rather lax in purchasing gifts. Suffice it to say I will be playing it very simple this year. I've nothing to prove to anyone, and an elaborate gift says more about my purse than anything else. I think I will be returning to Dublin at the weekend. Perhaps Whisk Quay will hold more possibilities than Hogsmeade. And I will also avoid crowds.

I'm debating whether to visit my grandmother, in Edinburgh, for the holiday, or remain here at Hogwarts. On the one hand, Grandmum's haggis is reason enough to make the trek. On the other, I'm not interested in the rest of my confounded relatives shying away from me, as they do.

No, it's not the werewolf thing. It's the... other thing.

Interesting, that people are more afraid of whom I choose to love than my ability to remove their intestinal tract with my teeth.

Also: I haven't anyone to bring with me, as Charlie Weasley and I are no longer. An amicable disbandment, but disbanded nonetheless. For the best, I suppose.

I must go - I hear the augurey wailing again. Must have shuffled off his muzzle. Best tend to him before the entire school offs themselves.

