lupercus @ 2002-05-25 16:43:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
First is an apology for that extremely whingey, melodramatic entry before this one. I read over it now and, er, I'm rather embarassed by it.
That drink with Sirius went well. Its been years since I've been able to be close to him, in any sense. He looks very much the same as he did in youth, though his hair is longer and his face is thinner - but he has the same skin, the same smell, the same voice, and the same hands, as well.
Sirius has amazing hands. They're fine, graceful hands but he thinks he's horrible with them. He says he can't cook, can't paint, can't play anything. He thinks they fumble, and that they're too cold. I think he's wrong, though - he has gentle, cool hands that have been mellowed and are filled with empathy for his years of abuse and the knowledge of what hands can do to skin. He could make someone quite happy, with those hands.
Regarding lessons: Care of Magical Creatures is proving to be quite an eventful class. Half of the students are so dispassionate that they spend most of the class time horsing around and I've had to perform quite a few rescues. Mr. Malfoy remains detrimentally aloof; though he can be a bright student his consistent lack of interest is the reason why his marks continue to be poor.
The Quidditch match was cancelled, much to the resentment of the student body. Some are taking it harsher than others, though I agree with Dumbledore on this one. It's just asking for trouble.
On a less serious note - has anyone seen Severus's rooms lately? I don't think he'll be accepting visitors in his private chambers any time soon.
goyle @ 2002-05-26 04:13 am UTC |
me and crabbe hav managed to procur sum more picters ov it we'l show them to u in class if u want
lupercus @ 2002-05-27 02:55 am UTC |
You're right, Mr. Malfoy, I'll rephrase: Detached, unfriendly, remote, snide, and caustic.
(parent)jadedsirius @ 2002-05-26 11:07 pm UTC |
My dear Remus:
I am so happy you enjoyed our evening as much as I did. If I were still capable of blushing, I would do so after your glowing words. You flatter me. Being around you makes me begin to forget those 12 long years. I am so happy that I have the chance to see you again. No matter where this takes us. Although I do have my preferences on that... but that should not be discussed here. Prying eyes...
As for Snape's rooms, I really don't think Snape has ever had anyone in his private chambers anyway, so it won't really be a problem, now will it?
potions_master @ 2002-05-26 11:28 pm UTC |
As for Snape's rooms, I really don't think Snape has ever had anyone in his private chambers anyway, so it won't really be a problem, now will it?
I shall gladly inform you, Mr. Density, that I have had many more nocturnal visitors to my chambers than you have in the past fifteen years. Perhaps you should do well to remember that.