lupercus @ 2003-04-14 18:15:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | Sirius muttering to himself as he reads the paper: "Bloody Cannons." |
Never. Again.
Attempted today to take thirty-eight teenaged witches and wizards through Muggle London to visit the Ministry. However what seemed like a good idea in theory was something else entirely when put in practise. Next time, I believe I shall hire Dementors to help keep the children in line.
The trip started out well enough. Everyone showed up on time and in decent Muggle-wear (with the exception of Lavender Brown who seemed to be under the impression that she would be fleeing a ball at midnight - was forced to transfigure her confection of a dress into a sensible blouse and skirt), and we got through the Portkey with no trouble at all.
We also reached the Ministry unscathed, though it required a bit of a wrangle on the Muggle Underground. Thankfully, our group leads are all quite versed in using the Tube and were able to get us from point A to point B without any detours via point Z. Some of the students who'd never been to the Muggle world before were utterly fascinated by the whole process. I probably would have been too, had I been in their shoes, but I lived as a Muggle for a time in London (sort of) and so the whole business has lost a lot of its novelty with me. However Terry Boot kept things entertaining by crawling under the seats in a Bean-induced fit. Was forced to knock some sense into him, haul him out and confiscate his Beans. That boy won't have any brain cells left if he keeps on with this Bean habit.
Anyway, the Ministry was very educational. The students saw first-hand what the process for a werewolf is like as a poor fellow had just come in to pick up some saftey enchantments and bewitched locks for his cellar for Wednesday night. He was very nice and patient with the chlldren's questions, and seemed very pleased that they had a werewolf teacher. I don't think he was used to the attention and the lack of fear. That was a nice feeling, really.
Also, something I may not have mentioned before - being in the room with another werewolf is a very odd feeling. Sort of a competitive empathy, I suppose. The understanding coupled with the urge to dominate. It was a bit uncomfortable but the chap was very nice so it wasn't too bad. The Support Staff were quite hospitable. We all recieved a tour of the office and the Registry, saw how the numbers are burned magically into skin, and the intricate filing system required to keep track of us all. Then it was on to the Capture Unit, where we met a very enthusiastic Arthur Weasley.
After Arthur gave to Ron a care-package from home we walked around the Capture Unit, and the students were very interested in the varied methods used in catching werewolves. There's also a sort of museum within the building, organised by H.O.W.L., where they preserve ancient and medieval torture devices and interrogation tools. I let the children walk through that bit without me.
Afterwards, I gave the kids the choice of whether they wanted to go back to Diagon Alley, or perhaps explore Muggle London a bit. There was a resounding interest in the latter and so we too a little side-journey to the Muggle streets, and everyone gawked at the shops and the people and the cars. I daresay I was afraid Arthur might have a stroke when he saw the double-decker buses.
The next thing I know, a fight's broken out between Ernie Macmillan and Gregory Goyle, which of course I had to break up, and then someone noticed that both Ron and Draco had wandered off from their group after visiting a joke shop. After a bit of chaos I sent Harry to go and find them, and led the children outside and down to Diagon Alley for a spot of lunch and a little free time to wander as we didn't have to return to the Portkey for another hour. I wasn't too concerned about Ron or Draco, at first - I assumed they would have had enough sense between them to go back to the meeting point and take the Portkey back to Hogwarts. I would know if they had.
I suppose I gave them far, far too much credit.
Eventually, as it began getting late, Arthur became very concerned about his son so he and I used the Ministry's Missing Wizard Tracking System to locate Ron and Apparate to him - in the middle of a very unsavory sort of establishment in Soho. Ron apparently had no idea he'd wandered into a lesbian bar, though he was with Seamus of all people - I just didn't ask - because he was very distraught over a row with Malfoy and the alleged theft of his mum's care-package. He also went on and on about a lottery ticket he'd somehow managed to buy while asking for directions.
The rest of the day is a complete mess in my mind. Arthur and I took Ron back to Diagon Alley, and eventually Harry turned up with golf clubs - again, I didn't ask - and Draco in tow, and there was yet another blazing row about the lottery ticket which - it turns out - is worth about 8,000 Galleons (£50,000 in Muggle money). Naturally this turned into an even bigger row about who the rightful owner of the ticket was - it took a Silencing Charm just to restore some semblance of order, though Arthur, you really didn't help matters any by taking the Charm off of Ron.
The whole matter became too much for me to handle so I pocketed the ticket and brought everyone back to Hogwarts. I've never been more furious with a pair of students in my life - getting lost, disobeying instructions, using magic in the middle of a Muggle street, separating, fighting... I've still no idea how Ron wound up with Seamus in a lesbian bar nor do I know where Draco had gone or where Harry found him or why they had golf clubs. About fifty rules were broken in the end and I'm completely out of patience. There will be house points taken, I warn, and I will not be kind about it.
Not to mention that I will be having a little chat about this with both their mothers.
Ron, Draco, Arthur and I have a meeting with Dumbledore very shortly concerning their behaviour and the fate of the lottery ticket, so I ought to wrap this up.
Please, everyone, the next time I get one of these brilliant ideas in my head, do me a favour and Avada Kedavra me where I stand. I promise not to haunt you.
However, I get my revenge of sorts on Wednesday, so. That's somewhat gratifying.
Off to see the Headmaster, then Madame Pomfrey for a headache cure.
purestblood @ 2003-04-14 07:35 pm UTC |
Perhaps you should have tried nipping at their heels, Remus. That should keep the students rounded up nicely.
lupercus @ 2003-04-14 07:42 pm UTC |
Nobody bloody asked your opinion, Malfoy.
Excuse me, I have to go and be something approaching a parent to the son you pretend not to have.
purestblood @ 2003-04-14 07:48 pm UTC Re: |
Why don't you talk to Narcissa? She's got a uterus she's not using, and perhaps she'll lend it to you so you can have cubs.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-04-14 08:15 pm UTC |
Do you not care that our son got lost in a place crawling with Muggles? Are you so apathetic that you would rather berate Remus and his abilities to lead the children than show an ounce of compassion toward our child?
I am not coming out of my chambers until you allow me to contact Draco. I am extremely> worried about him which I suppose is a good thing as I am worried enough for the both of us.
purestblood @ 2003-04-14 08:37 pm UTC Re: |
Of course I am worried; however, it appears that Draco rose to the challenge and got himself out of the situation most admirably. I applaud the clear-headed thinking that he has demonstrated today.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-04-14 08:41 pm UTC |
You certainly have a queer way of showing your concern. I notice you do not seem to be bothered by the fact that I have barricaded myself in my chambers in protest to your absurd punishment. Don't you think he would like to hear from me and be able to discuss everything that had transpired today with his mother?
(parent) purestblood @ 2003-04-14 08:45 pm UTC Re: |
I said two weeks, Narcissa, and I meant it. Two weeks, as of Saturday, 3 p.m., GMT.
I assume that I'll be informing the elves to prepare a meal for one, then?
blondenarcissa @ 2003-04-14 09:12 pm UTC |
I have said it once and I will say it again: this punishment is inane and no good will come of it. I do not approve.
Until you have decided to revoke this insipid decree I shall be either in my chambers or running errands. I do not wish to see or speak with you until you have had a change of heart. I cannot believe that you would be so deliberately cruel as to forbid your wife from checking in on the status and well-being of your son.
Your assumption about dinner is more than correct.
purestblood @ 2003-04-14 09:21 pm UTC Re: |
All you need do is read Draco's journal to find out how he is and ascertain his mental state.
While you're out, dearest, do be so kind as to pick me up some new black leather gloves. The ones I've been using have a crease in them.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-04-14 09:24 pm UTC |
Reading his journal and speaking with him are entirely different things. I cannot see his face, look into his eyes, and hear a tone in his voice that would indicate to me truly how he is doing simply by reading a journal.
Pick up a pair of gloves yourself.
purestblood @ 2003-04-14 09:35 pm UTC Re: |
You've been listening to Sarah MacHexlane again, haven't you?
blondenarcissa @ 2003-04-14 09:40 pm UTC |
And what exactly is that supposed to mean, Lucius?
(parent) purestblood @ 2003-04-14 09:42 pm UTC Re: |
It's Latin, love, for "quod erat demonstrandum", meaning "it has been proven".
Meaning, my petal, that you merely proved my theory correct.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-04-14 09:46 pm UTC |
I still fail to see what my listening to a particular musical artist has to do with how I feel about your barring me from talking to my own son.
purestblood @ 2003-04-14 09:49 pm UTC Re: |
Never mind, Narcissa. I was referring to your refusal to procure gloves for me while you are out shopping.
It's getting late. I'd hate to cut into your beauty sleep.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-04-14 09:54 pm UTC |
Somehow, Lucius, I do not believe that my refusal to purchase you a spare pair of gloves had anything to do with your little comment.
How thoughtful of you to not wish to disturb my rest. I shouldn't be needing so much of it had you not greatly upset me in the first place. The wrinkle I feel developing on my temple (which I am promptly trying to remove at the present time) stems solely from you and what you are putting me through.
purestblood @ 2003-04-14 09:58 pm UTC Re: |
I'll refrain from pointing out that you're developing a pimple on your chin then, my beauty.
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2003-04-14 10:02 pm UTC |
I- I do NOT have a pimple nor anything remotely RESEMBLING one on my face! How DARE you insinuate something so vile and malicious and- and-
purestblood @ 2003-04-14 10:16 pm UTC Re: |
Go look in the mirror, my love.
I speak only the truth.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-04-14 10:28 pm UTC |
I cannot believe anything you have to say to me lately, Lucius. I need not look in the mirror. My eyes are bloodshot from crying over being unable to communicate with my son. I fear I shan't be able to see a blemish, even a nonexistent one that you are intending to make me believe that I have.
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2003-04-14 09:56 pm UTC |
Thank you for keeping me informed, Remus.
My sour omen.
purestblood @ 2003-04-14 09:32 pm UTC Re: |
I remember. I need some new ones, though. Some softer ones. I have a specific use to which they will be put.
purestblood @ 2003-04-14 09:37 pm UTC Re: |
As it turns out, I'm free for lunch on Wednesday. Can you get free from teaching?
(parent) purestblood @ 2003-04-14 09:57 pm UTC Re: |
How about the Three Broomsticks? We can go to London from there.
(parent)jadedsirius @ 2003-04-14 09:59 pm UTC |
Sounds perfect. It will be nice to get away from the school, it's been absolutely insane lately.
I have no classes Wednesday afternoon.
lupercus @ 2003-04-14 10:00 pm UTC |
jadedsirius @ 2003-04-14 10:15 pm UTC |
There, there, Remus, you're distraught. I know, the full moon is very soon. Let me make you a cup of tea.
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-04-14 10:33 pm UTC |
It's not just the full moon.
The man is a bastard and the lowest form of life and NOT DESERVING TO BE A WIZARD OR EVEN A HUMAN. I don't understand how you can even look at him without feeling this... this HATRED in you, like I do. He disowned his own son! He treats his wife like a possession! He works for the man who killed Lily and James! He probably HELPED him DO IT. IT'S BECAUSE OF HIM AND THE REST OF THEM THAT YOU WENT TO AZKABAN. HE IS THE REASON I LIVED TWELVE YEARS ALONE BECAUSE I THOUGHT EVERYTHING I EVER LOVED HAD DIED.
So help me Sirius sometimes I just want to... snap... Malfoy's... neck...
jadedsirius @ 2003-04-14 10:49 pm UTC |
The reason you were alone, the reason I lived twelve years in hell, is because of Crouch. Not Malfoy.
Excuse me if I find you slightly hypocritical in your friendship with Narcissa.
Look. Let's get past this, shall we? I'm on my way down.
lupercus @ 2003-04-14 10:59 pm UTC |
What in the world are you going on about? Narcissa is my friend, who also happens to be a woman. When was the last time I had anything to do with a woman, Sirius? I'll tell you the last time - fourth year, with Lily, and only because I didn't want anyone to know I was gay before I was ready for them to know.
Apparently you must have forgotten that little revelation somewhere along the way.
Get down here and let me remind you.
purestblood @ 2003-04-14 08:51 pm UTC Re: |
Oh, Merlin, defend me from the wolf's rapier barbs and devastating insults!
I am humbled before you.
lupercus @ 2003-04-14 09:20 pm UTC |
I am humbled before you.
Yes, you'd be used to bowing and scraping wouldn't you.
purestblood @ 2003-04-14 09:22 pm UTC Re: |
Much the same, I am sure, as you'd be used to a collar and leash. Does Sirius still like to wear the cowboy outfit and ride you?
Just wondering.
lupercus @ 2003-04-14 09:57 pm UTC |
Does Voldemort still consider you his favourite, or has he moved on to something younger, not so ... loose?
purestblood @ 2003-04-14 10:01 pm UTC Re: |
From what I understand, you're quite loose yourself, but then, Sirius is rather... exceptional in certain areas, isn't he?
lupercus @ 2003-04-14 10:16 pm UTC |
Would that your son knew what you do for power.
Get the hell out of my journal and go mingle with your own inbred kind, Malfoy. I have no use for soulless bastards such as yourself. And if he's smart, your son will figure that out and he'll have no use for you, either.
And the only affection anyone will show you will be from a Dementor.
Stay the fuck away from Sirius or so help me I will come after you myself.
jadedsirius @ 2003-04-14 08:10 pm UTC |
Far be it from me to say I told you so, Remus...
But I did offer to accompany you.
Perhaps I could tempt you with a massage? Or something else?
A walk might do us wonders...
lupercus @ 2003-04-14 08:55 pm UTC |
You did tell me so, I owe you a Galleon.
Also, Severus owes you a Galleon. Neville did not fall into the sewer.
I'd love a massage, actually, love. And maybe the house-elves could be persuaded into bringing dinner to the rooms? I'd like to stay in tonight, go straight to bed.
- R.
jadedsirius @ 2003-04-14 09:11 pm UTC |
I'll see what I can do.
I'll be right there, I just need to pick up something first.
lupercus @ 2003-04-14 09:14 pm UTC |
Oh, good.
I'll change that order with the house-elves, then.
I'm in the mood for chicken.
lupercus @ 2003-04-14 09:26 pm UTC |
Whether you like it or not, dear, you do have the occasional carnivorous lapse.
So to speak.
I brought you something, from London. I know a chap with a bookshop in Soho who has a very interesting wine cellar.
jadedsirius @ 2003-04-14 09:31 pm UTC |
Yes, well, if the meat is alive it doesn't count, does it?
lupercus @ 2003-04-14 09:55 pm UTC |
It's still a by-product. And you lecture me about processed cheese.
wehaveseven @ 2003-04-14 08:11 pm UTC |
lupercus @ 2003-04-14 09:09 pm UTC |
Arthur, forgive me for saying this, but:
missgranger @ 2003-04-14 08:32 pm UTC |
Professor, I had a lovely time, I'm very sorry Ron wandered off; I feel as if I should have noticed, or kept a closer eye on him. I am ashamed that Malfoy is a Prefect, what with his irresponsible, self-serving behaviour; I'm sure it's because of him that Ron couldn't find his way back. But the rest of us really enjoyed the trip. My group, in particular, was extremely well-behaved and attentive, especially in the museum. I hope the behaviour of a few won't take away the privilege of taking field trips in the future for the rest of us!
lupercus @ 2003-04-14 09:12 pm UTC |
Thank you, Hermione.
You did an excellent job today, I am very grateful, and very proud. I'll be sending your parents an owl commending you for your help (and to thank them for the clothing donations).
Twenty points to Gryffindor.
- Professor Lupin