lupercus @ 2003-04-19 11:53:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | "Bohemian Rhapsody," Queen (I think Harry's found my Muggle music) |
Can you do the fandango?
Hello again.
Am home now, though still quite weak and it seems I've attempted to gnaw my own leg off (again), so I am stuck in bed as getting around is dodgy at best. I would be quite miserable were it not for Sirius fussing over me like a house-elf, and Harry setting me up with this brilliant little computer shaped like a book. It's wireless and small and so I can lie here and keep in touch with all of you. Cheers, you two.
Thank you all for participating in the werewolf study, especially the final lesson. I understand some of you could not stay through the entire half-hour and that it was particularly frightening for a few, and I want you to know that it's all right that you left. Some of my closest friends and even my family couldn't bear to see it sometimes, and I am certain that if I could see it for myself I would probably not stick around, either. The mere fact you attended at all is more than enough. Full marks, to all of you (with one exception, but I will leave that to deal with at the new term).
It would seem I have a houseguest for a bit - much to Sirius's chagrin, unfortunately. I really should have checked with him first, as it's his house too. I hope he can adjust though, Narcissa's taken a very big step and while she may have had a lot of the better things in life, right now all she needs most is a friend.
There was a brilliant wrestling match this morning on my bedroom floor, between a rather skinny boy and a very large black dog. I am afraid the dog may have had the upper hand paw, however - he shed so much I feared that at any moment Harry would be overcome with fur. It is fortunate that Narcissa is having a lie-in, I don't know how kindly she would take to so much dog hair.
Anyway, I am told I should turn this off and get some rest. I think it is time for tea.
PS: Thank you all very, very much for the cranes. It started with the small green one someone left me in the hospital wing and they seem to have followed me home. There must be hundreds of them! I see someone is using the Weasley Roar-I-Gami paper, there are now little paper cranes fluttering throughout the house. Padfoot enjoys snapping at them, though Harry seems annoyed that they think his hair is a nest. Highly amusing. Thank you.
See you all soon. Happy Easter, everyone.
wehaveseven @ 2003-04-19 01:40 pm UTC |
it lives! all right then? not too damaged i hope.
anyway am back at the burrow until tuesday = you lot should come for food mum's cooked england and shes determined to feed us all till we die and we NEED HELP. see if you might come this weekend. and if you can bring harry so he and ron can bloody make up already before I turn them both into hedgehogs and your sirius - congratulations by the way. i got my invitation you sadistic bastard but of course i will be there. wouldnt miss it for all the gold at gringotts.
wqhich you seem to have now by the way WOW that is a big bloody house. i will send you a dragon for a house pet - wait you already have sirius though maybe the dragon is easier to train :D JUST KIDDING SIRIUS
anyway hope you're better and thatyou can come to dinner at the burrow. what's three more people when you have seven hundred already?
lupercus @ 2003-04-19 02:43 pm UTC |
Oi, Charlie. Good to hear from you. Welcome home and happy Easter!
I'm all right, as well as can be expected. Was a bit dodgy this time around. Nearly took my own leg off. Haven't done that since 7th year - I showed you that scar remember? Now I've a lovely new one to go with it. And a very bad headache.
Dinner at the Burrow sounds wonderful. Sorry to say that I don't believe Harry will be joining me, nor will Sirius. I think they need a little time together as Godfather-and-son anyway, so that's all right. Narcissa's holed herself up in the East Wing, so I think it'd be safe to leave them all here and pop over for a bit. I'm a little too weak yet - perhaps Monday before everyone heads back to school? When do you leave? I do hope I can have a chance to catch up with you before you run off with the dragons again.
And I should like to have a little chat with Ron, as well.
Thank you for the well-wishes. I am not a sadistic bastard, thank you very much! But I am glad you'll be there. I wouldn't dream of not inviting you. Sirius is doing well, and is extremely well-trained I might add, so no need for dragons. The house is big enough though - you are welcome to come round and have a look.
How are you doing, anyway? Are you, er, all right?
Let me know if Monday evening works for you and your family.
Al dvs sincer,
wehaveseven @ 2003-04-19 09:27 pm UTC |
see remus you need to stop chewing on your legs because they;re supposed to stay attached. though i think its grand what you did to teach the kids. ron was really impressed that you could go through that and hermione showed me her notes and i have to say, i dont think i could bloody stand it. your tougher than any dragon i know make no mistake.
i'm leaving for romania on tuesday morning as soon as the kids go off back to school so i will definately be around monday night for dinner. its good that your coming as i havent seen you in donkeys years and i have missed quite a bit i think. so yes monday night is fine and we'll have a good dinner of england and now ireland because mum is still cooking. saveus remus save us!!
as for me yes I am all right. maybe a little off but thats my own problem and nothing to do with anything. if that made any kind of sense sorry I think mum put a little too much wine in the spaghetti. anyway i am doing well, thanks for asking.
right i have to go pound on some brothers now who are making so much noise that mum is going to have kittens.
Oaia retrasã de turmã, lupii o iau dupã urmã.
see you soon
purestblood @ 2003-04-19 06:40 pm UTC |
Narcissa's taken a very big step and while she may have had a lot of the better things in life, right now all she needs most is a friend.
She also needs cases of vodka, 2300 thread count sheets, silk rugs from Iran, and breakfast in bed.
She's all yours now. I'm sending all of her things to you. I am removing all traces of her from the Manor.
Enjoy her, Your Manginess.
lupercus @ 2003-04-19 06:44 pm UTC |
At least we know what she does not need.
Get the hell away from us.
purestblood @ 2003-04-19 06:49 pm UTC Re: |
I do not plan to set foot anywhere near Dogeared Weirdness, or whatever it is that you call your home.
I am so vastly relieved that she no longer depends on me. The divorce will be ever so much easier on her than I anticipated.
Lucius Malfoy
jadedsirius @ 2003-04-19 06:48 pm UTC |
Must you, Lucius? It's already much too crowded here as it is.
purestblood @ 2003-04-19 06:57 pm UTC Re: |
I do apologize, Sirius. If it helps, I can show you some spells that will allow you to add on to the attic.
jadedsirius @ 2003-04-19 07:11 pm UTC |
I'd actually much prefer if she and all of her accoutrements were gone. I don't suppose you could arrange that?
purestblood @ 2003-04-19 08:48 pm UTC Re: |
She left me, Sirius. It was of her own volition. She's been listening to a lot of female singers lately (Sarah Machexlane, for one) and seems to be on a kick about regaining her feminity. Do not be surprised if she starts buring her bras in your fireplace.
Should you ever need to get away from it all, you are always welcome at the Manor.
jadedsirius @ 2003-04-19 09:06 pm UTC |
As much as I appreciate your kind offer, Lucius, I think perhaps that it wouldn't be a good idea.
Thank you anyway.
wehaveseven @ 2003-04-19 06:43 pm UTC |
Oh, Professor Lupin I'm so glad your seeing to Harry over the holidays! Arthur and I did worry about not havign him at the Burrow espeicially with your being sick and all, we thought it best if we brought him here to get him out of your hair but Harry told us he was just fine, and you know Harry he's always just fine but I'm glad to see you're well again and make sure he eats plenty of vegetables and DON'T LET THAT MRS MALFOY GET TO HIM OR I'LL MARCH OVER THERE MYSELF AND GIVE YOU A TALKIGN TO.
Molly Weasley
lupercus @ 2003-04-19 06:49 pm UTC |
Hello Molly,
Thank you for your concern about Harry. I imagine he would probably have more fun at the Burrow with his friends but I am very, very glad that we have him. I do enjoy spending time with him and I hope we can be every bit the family for him that you wonderful people are. He's having a grand time romping around with Sirius and I'm going to set him exploring the grounds soon because a boy always likes an adventure. Don't worry about the vegetables, either - Sirius is obssessed with them. I'm sure Harry will be fine.
I will keep an eye on things, Molly. You have my word.
- Remus Lupin