lupercus @ 2003-04-30 22:28:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | Sirius whinging |
Show a little faith, there's magic in the night...
Let it not be said that teaching at this school does not keep one entertained at all times.
Today's lesson for the sixth-years involved bugbears, which are rather difficult creatures to control, and during the lesson one lashed out at Lavender and her scream incited the others, causing a minor bugbear riot. They're not large beasts but they're not too friendly, either, and so it was a bit dodgy for a while, at least until I could Petrify the ringleader and cast Calming Charms on the rest.
Add to that some rather unusual localised weather patterns and one well-done Weasley, and you have all the earmarks of a very interesting day.
A word, if I may, regarding the raincloud a few of you have noticed following one of your fellow students about today. That is not, actually, a real cloud but rather a Susceptor Spell, which is a sort of protection enchantment. Some of you might be familiar with how a Patronus Charm works: it conjures up a guardian that defends you against something specific, like a Dementor. The Susceptor Spell is more generalised, a sort of bodyguard that follows you around and keeps aggressors at bay, and like the Patronus it takes its form based on its charge's moods. In this case, it is a small black raincloud, which some of you have realised is not as harmless as it looks. I expect that by now you have all realised that it would be best to leave well enough alone.
Wedding gifts have begun to arrive already by owl. A few trinkets and baubles from my cousins, a few lovely things from various and sundry friends scattered around the country. The most interesting gift so far comes from friends in London: a first-edition Wilde that I never thought I'd lay my hands on, along with a bottle of Atlantean wine for Sirius. The wine's I think shall be saved for after the wedding, but the book... I'm spellbound, to say the least.
Right, then, it's time to get these Phooka scrolls marked and then it's down to the dungeons with me - Severus has requested that I start my Wolfsbane potion a bit earlier than usual, since I was off it for so long it needs a bit more time to work itself back into my system. I'm not complaining; the less I have to go through next month the better.
Also, Sirius is dragging me off to the kitchens in yet another attempt to convert me to his wicked, wretched vegetarian ways. Have any of you heard of a vegetarian werewolf? Neither have I. Sirius is insane. I'm looking into St Mungo's as we spea
Well, that'll teach you to read over my shoulder.
Goodnight, all.
jadedsirius @ 2003-04-30 10:40 pm UTC |
If you ate more healthy foods you would feel better.
Vegetables won't hurt you, you know.
lupercus @ 2003-04-30 10:45 pm UTC |
Vegetables are evil. If vegetables were people they would all be in Slytherin. I don't trust them.
lupercus @ 2003-04-30 10:53 pm UTC |
Take your gelatinous cubes of evil and begone, knave. I'm on to your clever ruse! You won't fool me!
The celery stalks at midnight!
goyle @ 2003-05-01 08:11 pm UTC |
ser? arnt yu supoased to be unbyased tuwords the uther howses? im teling profesur snape yu sed this
lupercus @ 2003-04-30 10:55 pm UTC |
I'm fine, really. It's just very warm in here all of a sudden.
Be a dear and douse that fire, would you? I'm going to get out of these robes before I melt.
And don't get any ideas. I've too much work to do, and you smell of aubergine.
jadedsirius @ 2003-04-30 10:56 pm UTC |
I'm going to make you a cup of tea. Organic, of course. You look unwell.
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-04-30 11:03 pm UTC |
If you mean that pale water that tastes of feet, I'll pass.
I wouldn't say no to some Earl Grey, however.
jadedsirius @ 2003-04-30 11:09 pm UTC |
You know you shouldn't have caffeine before bed. It makes you restless, and you snore more.
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-04-30 11:13 pm UTC |
You're the restless one, Thrashy McThrash. And I do not bloody snore! You're thinking of Se someone else.
Fine. Bring my your organic swill. I'll try and choke it down. But only because of my deep and abiding love and eternal devotion to you. Hippy freak.
It is so bloody warm in here. Why is it so warm?
jadedsirius @ 2003-04-30 11:24 pm UTC |
It's not warm, Remus, it's perfectly fine. Why don't we skip the tea and go right to bed? I'll distract you.
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-04-30 11:32 pm UTC |
It's roasting in here, Sirius. Positively broiling.
I can't go to bed yet. These scrolls aren't finished, and I've got to go recage the Puffskeins for the first years, and then I
jadedsirius @ 2003-04-30 11:35 pm UTC |
Oh for Merlin's sake, Remus, settle down, I'll help you, there's no need for all that! Honestly, I think you've been working yourself too hard with the wedding plans and everything else and you need to let me help you even though I'm no good at it but would you please JUST STOP CRYING!
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-04-30 11:38 pm UTC |
..sorry. I have no idea where the hell that came from. I was fine, a minute ago, and then it was just waterworks, I don't-
You know, you're just so sweet to me.
Fuck the scrolls. Let's go to bed.
lupercus @ 2003-04-30 11:44 pm UTC |
Yes yes love you too stop the typey now is bedtime for Padfoot here boy.
purestblood @ 2003-05-01 11:20 am UTC |
If he ate more healthy foods, he'd likely taste better, as well. Perhaps as good as you do.
purestblood @ 2003-05-01 12:13 pm UTC Re: |
I'm just saying.
How are the wedding plans coming? I'm sure there are a million tiny details to attend to, but I'm also sure that Remus has it well in hand. Are you getting excited? I know that I certainly was at this point during my own wedding.
jadedsirius @ 2003-05-01 04:48 pm UTC |
You're up to something, Lucius. I have enough to deal with right now.
Don't you have a house-elf to hex?