lupercus @ 2003-05-04 00:41:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | Something very angry by a band Narcissa says is called 'Witchmobile' |
I know she's watching that star.
No, you're not mistaken: I am indeed still a woman.
It would appear that our esteemed potions_master may actually have made a
mista miscalculation in the brew he slipped me, the result being that I have been stuck like this for three days instead of the promised one. No, I'm none too pleased with Severus right now, however I don't think he actually meant this with any sort of malice. It was merely a prank that backfired. Lord knows I've been privy to more than my fair share of those (particularly the ones thought up by Prongs - brilliant as he was, his hairbrained schemes landed us in detention/the hospital wing more often than anyone else's). So I'm really not one to complain about plans gone wrong.
Of course, Sirius is ruled by his boundless rage, and so he did exact a little revenge. Do not be alarmed should you happen by Professor Snape and find him dripping feathers wherever he goes. It's really most unfortunate that he's also allergic to them. Truly, my heart bleeds for the man.
I don't know how many of you have ever spontaneously switched genders overnight, but let me just say that after the initial shock you sort of do get used to it. I'm thinking that it's really just a matter of being lumpy where you weren't and not where you were, and dealing with a veritable plethora of new hormones that you just don't know what to do with. Thankfully, that bit seems to have finally settled down, much to Sirius's joy. If I burst into tears over a cup of tea or a door or my shoes one more time, I think he'd willingly go back to Azkaban.
(He's been brilliant, though - patience above and beyond the call of duty. He seems to be making the best of the situation. Thank God.)
And bless my students, they also seem to be taking it well. Though, during a lesson Justin Finch-Fletchley asked me a very earnest question about the care and handling of magical "breasts." It would have been amusing had he not fainted dead away immediately afterward and needed to be hauled out to the hospital wing by Ernie and Susan. Not to mention what Neville Longbottom said to me at lunch on Thursday. I hope his face eventually goes back to normal, it can't be healthy for a boy to blush for so long.
Tonight, Sirius took Harry out for a fly on the bike and a chat and - if I know him - a Butterbeer or two. Harry wanted to practise the toast he's going to give and I think Ron and Hermione might have thrown him out of the Tower lest they have to hear it again. He's very nervous, but I'm certain he'll do fine. He's a lot smarter than he seems to think he is.
I spent the evening at home, giving Narcissa another flying lesson and meeting her new puppy, Echo. Narcissa seems to be doing all right with the flying. I was hoping it would take her mind off of her troubles at home, with her son and with Lucius, but in the end we spent more time sitting on the low branch of a tree while she talked, and talked, and talked. I don't think she's had a chance to really talk to anyone about everything that's been going on, and - I hate to say it - my being female for the moment might have been what prompted the dam to burst.
I only wish I could offer her some sage advice, something more helpful than flying lessons and an offer to take her shopping in London for proper flying gear (I can't bear to list what she was wearing when arrived at Dogear, what she called a "flying outfit," except to say that it involved a pair of black patent-leather thigh-high boots).
Though, I don't really know if advice is what she needs right now. Perhaps all she needs is a friend.
Echo, I have to say, is brilliant. I think I'm in love (down, boy). Echo is adorable and friendly and extremely intelligent. It's a good thing I am used to dog hair; I'm simply covered with it. Narcissa was appalled, until Echo licked her face and wriggled into her lap, and then she didn't seem to mind so much. Unconditional love is rather powerful like that.
But then, Echo somehow reminded her of her son and she began to cry, and so we retired to the house for a couple of martinis and - I can't believe I'm going to admit this - we painted our toenails. Mine are now a shade of blue that I know is not found in nature. I believe the bottle said it was "Transfigured Turquoise." But that isn't the worst bit.
The worst bit is that I think I like it.
For God's sake, Severus, hurry.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-05-04 10:06 am UTC |
Thank you so much for setting aside those few hours for me last night. I am sorry I was not better company than I was and I do appreciate that you listened to me speak at such length. I can't seem to say some of the things that I said to you to those whom I really should be expounding. Perhaps having a sounding board such as yourself will help me to be able to feel more at ease discussing such things in the future with my family.
Again, I apologize for all the dog hair. When I return to Dogear Wryde this evening I shall take pains to ask Weetzie and the others to be mindful of Echo's little shedding problem.
lupercus @ 2003-05-04 10:39 pm UTC |
Narcissa, dear, you are always delightful company. I didn't mind in the least letting you vent your frustrations. Everyone needs a kind ear now and then, and certainly you've earned one.
Oh, and don't worry about Echo's shedding. Have you ever seen Sirius as a dog? He leaves behind enough hair that one could knit a new dog. I'm not bothered in the least.
Would you be free this week to discuss some last-minute aspects of the wedding? I'm nervous - if I'm still... I'd like to have an emergency backup plan in case certain things aren't taken care of before Saturday.
- Remus
blondenarcissa @ 2003-05-05 04:48 am UTC |
Of course I can set aside some time to discuss alternate wedding plans just in case there is a need for them. At the present moment I am rather free aside from a few errands I had planned. As I am still awaiting an owl from Lucius telling me his is ready to continue our discussion from the second library on Saturday evening, I shall not be straying far from Dogear Wryde within the next few days.