lupercus @ 2003-05-24 14:55:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | 'Black Is the Colour,' Luke A. Plume |
Like two March swallows back on the mountain...
Thank bloody goodness it's the weekend. As lovely as the holiday was, I've never had so much work to catch up on as I have now. I appreciate the Headmaster's efforts in taking over my lessons, but Professor Dumbledore, sir - what on God's green Earth did you actually teach the children? Your notes are vague at best, and... why are half of them in iambic pentameter?
Lay off the Chocolate Frogs, Albus. They're going to your head.
In better news, married life has been a lot easier to adjust to than I expected - for both Sirius and myself. He's more than my better half. He's my human credentials. Forgive me for being a bit sappy but I'm feeling a bit like a schoolgirl these days - he smiles at me and I go a bit weak at the knees. I feel seventeen again. If ever I should giggle aloud, please hex me.
Sirius has rediscovered his Prophet crosswords - I remember in school having to practically duel him to get to it first, and he had a tendency to pilfer Prophets from other students and do their crosswords as well - in permanent ink, no less. People underestimate the man's intelligence, but he's consistently finished every crossword he's ever picked up, and he's never wrong. Now, if only he were that gifted at billiards, we'd be down at Faintly's every night cleaning people out of their Galleons.
Aside from schoolwork, I've also got thank-you notes to send out. I've finally finished opening all of the gifts and - in Sirius's words - we made out like bandits. I'm still figuring out who gave us what, and when I do I will get those thank-yous out.
Though I must mention a couple of things - one being the pair of owlets from Arthur Weasley. Their names are "Bip" and "Bop," however Sirius refuses to address anything as "Bip" so I believe we will be performing a name-changing spell on them to something a little more appropriate to us. But thank you, Arthur, they are very lovely and quite sweet.
The other item is this. Someone - or someones - sent it to us anonymously, and I am simply beside myself. Sirius won't stop teasing me, but I don't much care. This is brilliant, and whoever you are - thank you very, very much.
Right, I am off to mark some essays and organise some horklump for next week's lessons. I've also got some Nifflers coming in, and Severus I was wondering if you might want to try Lily Lilitou on one? Though the Puffskein do seem to agree with her; she happened by my office last night and was quite friendly. She and Padfoot even had a little game of tag, for a bit. It was really very amusing.
(Also, Harry: call by tonight if you've a chance. There's something I want to talk to you about.)