lupercus @ 2003-06-02 18:04:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | Rosie howling |
The crow flies at midnight.
Puppies are a handful. So are Animagi. I can't tell who is more high-maintenance: Sirius or Rosie. Both, at least, like having their tummies scratched.
OWLs and NEWTs begin in a fortnight and I am quite worked up about them. It's never easy trying to organise the proper curriculum for exams and all I can think of is how I wanted to throw myself into the Lake during my own exams twenty-odd years ago. Sirius wound up perched in a tree in the Forest, muttering Arithmancy tables to himself. Lily turned everyone into a newt during hers (we all got better), and James didn't come down off his broom for nearly two weeks straight. He walked bowl-legged until July.
Severus, I seem to recall you developing an unnatural addiction to Sugar Quills during your NEWTs. Honeydukes was constantly running low on them. To this day I feel a bit off whenever I see you without one of the pink strawberry ones stuck in your teeth. I'm certain somewhere there are photographs...
Right, it's time for dinner, but before I go - Harry, a quick note: I need your help with a lesson for the seventh years. It's on the Runespoor, and I'd like it very much if you'd come have a chat with them before the classes so they'll behave themselves, especially the right head.
Let me know if your mornings are free this week, love.
Off to feed the animals.
sinistra @ 2003-06-02 09:37 pm UTC |
I may have been a few years behind you at Hogwarts, Remus, but I do seem to recall you snapping during your NEWTs and refusing to eat anything but pumpkin pasties for meals. You were practically orange by the end of it.
potions_master @ 2003-06-02 10:10 pm UTC |
This, from the woman who scaled the North Tower and announced herself a Golden Goddess after her Transfiguration NEWT.
In her knickers, no less.
Do they still have miniature broomsticks and cauldrons on them today, Sylvia?
sinistra @ 2003-06-03 12:51 am UTC |
Actually, I was doing that for fun. Today they have nothing on them, Sevvie.
(parent)potions_master @ 2003-06-04 10:36 am UTC |
They have nothing on or you have nothing on?
The mind boggles.
Don't call me Sevvie.
just_harry @ 2003-06-03 10:15 pm UTC |
I talked to them this morning but I still don't think that the one in the cage closest to the door really listened, at least not the middle head. I'm not sure you should leave it alone for too long.
Can I take Rosie for a walk tomorrow morning?
lupercus @ 2003-06-04 10:35 am UTC |
Hmm... That one gave me trouble when I got it. I don't think it likes werewolves too much. I'll not use it in the lessons, then.
Thank you, Harry. And yes - Rosie is waiting eagerly. You might play Catch-The-Snitch with her too, if you've got the time.