lupercus @ 2003-06-18 15:04:00 |
Current mood: | anxious |
There's a bad moon on the rise.
Another moon waxed and waned, and I'm of course, exhausted for it. And with no chance to rest, what with exams a mere few days away. I apologise to my third year Ravenclaw for dozing off during the lesson, though I imagine it was rather amusing to see that Crup gnawing on my hair, so at least it was entertaining for you all.
The weekend was in fact rather quiet, thanks to Gryffindor's Quidditch win. Harry stayed behind to celebrate with his housemates, so it was just myself and my better half at the weekend and in the end we decided not to head home and instead kept to Hogwarts. I spent Saturday playing tag with Padfoot, and then sleeping under my desk until moonset. A very calm transformation this time, and not as painful! I think someone's been perfecting his potion, and I thank him for it.
I ought to check my e-mail more often, because people send me the most delightful little links and things to look at, like this (thanks for sending it to me, Seamus):
lupercus | Magic Number | 19 | Job | Singer | Personality | The Glass Is Half-Empty | Temperament | A Yo-Yo | Sexual | Whatever, Whenever, Whoever | Likely To Win | A Duel With Pistols | Me - In A Word | Effervescent | Colour | | Brought to you by MemeJack |
I'm not entirely certain about that singer business - Sirius would tell you I can't carry a tune in a cauldron - but I am most definitely effervescent. Though, the yo-yo and the duel with pistols thing has me utterly confused. Harry love, could you explain?
I believe I shall have some fun with this...
potions_master | Magic Number | 15 | Job | Singer | Personality | I'd Quite Like One | Temperament | Pussy Cat | Sexual | Just Say No | Likely To Win | Another Gold Star | Me - In A Word | Unique | Colour | | Brought to you by MemeJack |
How frighteningly accurate. But not as accurate as this:
jadedsirius | Magic Number | 14 | Job | Porn Star | Personality | Drifter | Temperament | An Oft-Exploding Volcano | Sexual | If I Have To | Likely To Win | The Booker Prize | Me - In A Word | Belligerent | Colour | | Brought to you by MemeJack |
Now that is my spouse through and through, right down to the appreciation for the colour pink. You should see his sock collection, sometime. He rivals Dobby.
Must be off - have to finish marking some scrolls, and then Sirius and I are due for a staff meeting with Albus. I hope it's just about exams.