lupercus @ 2003-07-12 07:25:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | 'Flying On My Broom,' Depressed Toad |
House of the Rising Moon
Right. The full moon is this Sunday and thus I want my house completely devoid of anything even remotely human as soon as possible. Charlie, I've already sent Ginny home with some ways she can try to locate Cho on her own, so if you and Seamus would like to take your extra-curricular activites elsewhere, that would make me extremely happy as I would rather not find myself gnawing upon either of you come moonrise. I would also be utterly ecstatic if you both might pause your shenanigans long enough to restore the recreation room, the west study, the lower drawing room, and (for reasons that I have no desire to know) the upstairs W.C., to their original state, before you left.
I'll be sending the house-elves away as well, to stay at Hogwarts until Monday morning. I shall never forgive myself for the one I accidentally ate, back in '74. They're really quite... gamey. Don't fear, Narcissa, I will make sure that Dacey is quite safe.
No word from Sirius. I've no idea where he is, Dumbledore completely unhelpful, which should surprise absolutely no one. I'm not impressed, Albus. Not impressed.
Harry love, I hope you're well, and don't get too down about things. You never know, life is full of surprises. Even good ones.
I'm off, to see if I cannot locate my wayward houseguests. Thank God I'm in the habit of knocking.
![]() seamus_f @ 2003-07-12 09:00 am UTC sorry! |
I didn't think we had made much of a mess but now that I see it in daylight I suppose we did. We'll clean today and be gone tomorrow.
We are also leaving you a good supply of food in the kitchen, as you are sending the house elves away, so you won't have to cook at all while you're recovering.
Would you like us to come back on Monday? We'd be glad to, and we promise to behave in a more gentlemanlike manner. (That was something Charlie told me to say; he said you'd appreciate it.) We neither of us like to think of you being here alone with Rosie, especially after what you've done for us—not this, but other things. Well, you know. So please say we can return; you must admit that we are entertaining.
And, thanks again.
lupercus @ 2003-07-12 11:52 am UTC sorry! |
Well, you're forgiven of course, because I know how it can be when you've got other things on your mind, and the furniture gets in the way.
Thanks for remembering about the food, that's very kind of you. I'm hardly able to move after a transformation, let alone do anything constructive, so that will be nice. Usually it's Sirius who - but anyway, thanks.
If you would like to come back on Monday, that would be fine. I won't be much fun, but I daresay you'll find ways to amuse yourselves. Oh, and let Charlie know that he's welcome to stay here for as long as his holiday, and he can use the fire in the east library to chat with and go to the Burrow as often as he pleases. He was going to look for a flat but there's no point in that when I've got rooms to spare, right?
And you, of course, are welcome as well, my dear boy.
I won't be in tonight. I've some pressing business to attend to down south, so I will probably not speak to you again until Monday. Until then - don't do anything I wouldn't do. Which doesn't leave you much, does it?
You're welcome.
seamus_f @ 2003-07-12 01:44 pm UTC sorry! |
Professor, you are always fun, even when you're not. And we are more than happy to do for you after all you do for others.
By the time you return the house will be set to rights and we will be off directly after breakfast. Which we will serve to you again, of course. After all, we have to earn our keep . . .