lupercus @ 2003-08-09 18:40:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | 'On Raglan Road,' busker outside my window |
When the angel woos the clay, he'll lose his wings at the dawn of the day.
Diagon Alley in the early morning is very blue. Not figuratively but literally - there is a blue tint to just about everything, the buildings and shops and streets and windows. It doesn't last for very long but if you ever get a chance to step out into the blue of a quiet morning in the Alley, I highly recommend it. It is very striking.
The last time I'd stayed in the Leaky Cauldron was when I was eleven, and my grandmother and I made a day of shopping for my school supplies. It is interesting that in twenty-eight years nothing about this place has changed, not even the wallpaper. Or perhaps the linens.
Ran errands yesterday, at Flourish & Blotts and Featherwrite Quills and then in Knockturn Alley. Got some books for the next term, a few odds and ends and necessities for the week. Looked in on Weetzy and then took care of some business at Gringotts. A productive day, if tiring.
Am back in my room now, with a cup of tea brought up by a lovely barmaid and today's Daily Prophet. I've been trying to do the crossword, but I have never been very good at it.
I think I will do a little reading, now.
Edit: Harry, you forgot your book again, and you also left your shoes. How did you manage that? Feel free to call by and retrieve them whenever you like.
sibyllsays @ 2003-08-09 11:49 pm UTC |
Dear Remus, I must tell you that I recieved my new crystal ball today and whilst scrying discovered some very interesting things about your future - particularly that a tall, dark figure shall come to visit you soon.
If you would come to Hogwarts to see me, we might divine more about this figure by tarot? I am dreadfully pleased to have the crystal ball back and I simply must determine its effectiveness, but of course no person can control Sendings and reading my own tea leaves is not much use if the crystal ball has shown me nothing of my own future as yet!!
lupercus @ 2003-08-09 11:54 pm UTC |
Er. Thanks all the same, Sibyll, but I'm not really the sort for Divination. I appreciate the optimism, though.
Very happy for you with regards to your ball.
See you in a few weeks.
- Remus
sibyllsays @ 2003-08-10 12:00 am UTC |
Oh, Remus, don't be shy! Of course you want your fortune told, it can hardly hurt you, you know! Don't you want it to be revealed?! Your choices could be so informed, you know, and everything laid CLEAR!
And I am so very hopeful that you will still come visit me. It's quite lonely up in this tower, especially with everyone on holiday, and I have only just now realized how oppressive it is. Narcissa did me no favors in that regard; now I find myself longing for human contact!! It is too bad I didn't foresee this would come to pass, but surely it was due to an inferior ball!
lupercus @ 2003-08-10 12:13 am UTC |
Really, Sibyll - you are too kind, but no. I've no need to know what my future holds. I rather like surprises.
Perhaps you could drop in on The Leaky Cauldron at some point. We could have tea, provided you do not read the leaves.
- Remus
sibyllsays @ 2003-08-10 12:17 am UTC |
Perfect! I was intending to find that lovely Muggle junk shop in Diagon Alley and purchase an Ouija board. I can bring it and we can try it out!
I do think the Muggles must be on to some things, and I have heard amazing things about Ouija boards! Sadly, nobody in the wizarding world seems particularly interested. My work shall be ground-breaking!
potions_master @ 2003-08-09 11:52 pm UTC |
Why the hell would you be in Knockturn Alley?
You didn't sleep, of course.
lupercus @ 2003-08-09 11:57 pm UTC |
I had business there. It happens, sometimes.
And Harry snores. I don't know how the other Gryffindor sleep through that racket.
You sound cheerful today.
potions_master @ 2003-08-10 12:03 am UTC |
You do not have business in Knockturn Alley. You are up to something.
More than I wanted to know about Potter, Lupin.
I am not in Singapore any longer.
lupercus @ 2003-08-10 12:10 am UTC |
I solemnly swear that I am not up to something.
Harry didn't want you to know that, either. I am being kicked.
potions_master @ 2003-08-10 12:15 am UTC |
You deserve to be kicked.
Get rid of the whelp and get some sleep.
lupercus @ 2003-08-10 12:21 am UTC |
About to, if he does not stop the kicking.
I will try again, if you will refrain from letting Malfoy get to you. He enjoys that, you realise.
lupercus @ 2003-08-10 12:41 am UTC |
He is not an enemy to make. Particularly for you.
Do exercise a little more restraint, Severus. I know your heart is in the right place, but I wonder where your head is sometimes.
potions_master @ 2003-08-10 12:46 am UTC |
You are a presumptuous oaf, Lupin. Whom I deal with is none of your bloody business.
You are sleep-deprived, obviously.
lupercus @ 2003-08-10 12:51 am UTC |
Of course. Sorry.
I think you may be rightt. Had lunch with a friend today, and while feeding the St James ducks I thought I saw - but perhaps not.
They say the mind is the first thing to go, you know.