lupercus @ 2003-08-16 20:21:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | nothing |
And you give yourself away.
Right, I've spent nearly the whole day up and down on the King's Road trying to find something to put in this flat other than just me, and I've come up empty-handed. I've got no idea what I am doing.
Narcissa, I could certainly use some of that advice right about now, if you can spare it.
It has begun to rain, and I've yet to turn on any of the lights. Instead I've put out a few candles and it's really quite nice in here, if a little bare. And quiet.
I wonder if I will ever get used to that.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-16 08:38 pm UTC |
The first thing you must do to your new apartment is to create a colour palette that feels like home.
I would suggest perusing The Grammar of Ornament before you began to fully decorate your new residence. After all, one wants to ensure that they understand colour theory. One of the most important things to remember is that one uses just one main colour and and many subsidiary colours. It would do you well to also keep in mind that there should be a proper balance of colour and texture between the walls, ceilings, mouldings, and such. If I were you, I would shy away from wallpaper and be a bit more daring - marbilizing and stenciling is much more personal than a boring, standard wall paper, don't you agree?
lupercus @ 2003-08-16 08:44 pm UTC |
Er... I like blue?
And yes, wallpaper is very boring. I think.
Narcissa, are you speaking English, dear?
(I wonder if this means I must forfeit my membership.)
blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-16 08:52 pm UTC |
Of course I am speaking English, Remus!
Forfeit, indeed.
As for furniture, you may want to consider the classic 'Louis' style. I know that some may claim Neo-Rococo to be passe but I find its nostalgia simply endearing. The beautiful craftsmanship of the mahogany used in many of the pieces is simply stunning.
If you like, I could recommmend an interior designer or two near Tite Street.
purestblood @ 2003-08-16 09:00 pm UTC |
No one is better for decorating advice than Narcissa. She'll do a marvelous job.
purestblood @ 2003-08-16 09:07 pm UTC |
And you, of course, are needed in a discussion about decorating.
(parent)potions_master @ 2003-08-16 09:13 pm UTC |
I do not believe I am participating in that aspect of the discussion.
potions_master @ 2003-08-16 09:24 pm UTC |
Token intelligence. Aside from Lupin, that is.
I am also the only one without an ulterior motive.
purestblood @ 2003-08-16 09:29 pm UTC |
I wouldn't be so sure, Severus. Whereever Lupin is, there you are, hovering. I daresay you'd be a bit more charitable towards me, since I am doing you a favor.
(parent)potions_master @ 2003-08-16 09:46 pm UTC |
Your continued existence does no one favours. How dare you.
purestblood @ 2003-08-16 09:56 pm UTC |
You, of all people, should embrace the truth, being the truthful being that you are.
(parent)potions_master @ 2003-08-16 10:08 pm UTC |
You wouldn't know truth if it walked up and bit you in the arse.
purestblood @ 2003-08-16 10:10 pm UTC |
All right then, Severus. Truth. Do you care for Remus Lupin?
(parent)purestblood @ 2003-08-16 10:33 pm UTC |
Good night, gentlemen. I must avail myself of the comforts of my suite here at the Ritz. Do sleep well.
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-16 09:08 pm UTC |
Yesterday I was 'inane' and today I am 'marvelous'?
Do make up your mind.
purestblood @ 2003-08-16 09:10 pm UTC |
I was merely reaffirming one of your talents, Narcissa. I spoke the truth. Only that, and nothing more.
(parent)potions_master @ 2003-08-16 09:15 pm UTC |
For the love of Merlin, Lucius, Poe did write other things in his time.
potions_master @ 2003-08-16 09:22 pm UTC |
It is the walking-stick. You know how you are with shiny objects.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-16 09:15 pm UTC |
The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple.
(parent)purestblood @ 2003-08-16 09:32 pm UTC |
It is a fact that your taste is impeccable. It is a fact that your sense of style is something others can only aspire to. It is a fact that I admire many things about you, Narcissa. It is also a fact that I find myself baffled by your coldness.
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-16 09:35 pm UTC |
It is a fact that I find myself baffled by your inability to understand just why there is so much distance between us right now. I should think it rather obvious.
(parent)purestblood @ 2003-08-16 09:38 pm UTC |
It is a fact that I, similarly, am baffled when you indicate that you are bothered by things that never bothered you before.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-16 09:48 pm UTC |
I have always been bothered by things, Lucius, but you have never noticed this until now.
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-16 10:04 pm UTC |
And you have never spoken so commonly in my presence until now. Going further down the spiral, are we?
(parent)purestblood @ 2003-08-16 10:06 pm UTC |
Fine, Narcissa. I tried. I thought perhaps we could have an open conversation, with no veiled hints or double meanings. I see that my efforts were futile. I was under the impression that you wanted to talk about something. I see that I was incorrect in that assumption.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-16 10:09 pm UTC |
Do you honestly believe that I should like to talk about such matters via the entre net? Either that will be a discussion we shall have face à face or not at all.
(parent)purestblood @ 2003-08-16 10:12 pm UTC |
As you wish. It's intriguing to me that I compliment you and yet this is all turned around on me. Remind me to cease such behavior in the future.
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-16 10:16 pm UTC |
Don't you dare turn this entirely about on me, Lucius! I've told you that if you wish to discuss certain matters, I will do person. Do not don the garb of a martyr; it does not suit you well.
(parent)purestblood @ 2003-08-16 10:20 pm UTC |
What a horrible existence you must lead, Narcissa. You have a gorgeous home, clothes, trips, money, prestige, social standing...
You have never, ever voiced concern at any of my activities, spurious or no. In fact, if you recall correctly, my darling, you even participated in a few. Do not assume that I alone am the guilty party here. The blood never fully washes off your hands, does it, Narcissa?
blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-16 10:32 pm UTC |
My mind is perfectly sound, Luicus, and I recall much more interesting things than what you have made allusions to here. Remember how willingness is not quite considered free when 'choices' are not given a person. It would do you well to not forget such a thing.
(parent)purestblood @ 2003-08-16 10:41 pm UTC |
You have had nothing but choices, Narcissa. Your career as wardrobe consultant was your own decision. Thirty pieces of silver weigh the same, no matter how they're gotten.
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-16 10:42 pm UTC |
Amusing, isn't it, that you seem to forget that not everything in my life was of my own accord.
(parent)purestblood @ 2003-08-16 11:26 pm UTC |
There are some things in my life that were forced upon me that I grew to be very glad of. And I find comfort in these things, and the knowledge I've gained from them. Please understand that I still seek knowledge, even after all these years.
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-16 11:29 pm UTC |
I have never withheld the apple from you and I shan't begin to do so now. It is up to you whether or not to accept it.
(parent)purestblood @ 2003-08-16 11:32 pm UTC |
As I recall, I am not the first man in history to have been tempted by such an offer.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-16 11:34 pm UTC |
Most certainly not the first but assuredly the only one of significance to me.
(parent)purestblood @ 2003-08-16 11:45 pm UTC |
Rest assured I would partake of anything you offered me.
(parent)purestblood @ 2003-08-17 12:03 am UTC |
I shall bring some of those almond pastries you like.
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-17 12:08 am UTC |
I will be expecting you for conversation and such shortly, then.
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-08-16 09:12 pm UTC |
Well, here is what I am thinking: I've two bedrooms, and I should like one to be an office or a library. I'm rather fond of those 14th century tapestries we've got everywere at Hogwarts - would those still work in a primarily Victorian theme? - and I do enjoy the sort of furniture you mention. I did find a wing armchair today that I suppose could possibly work, though it was sort of a brick colour so perhaps I will look into earth-tones instead.
Would you want to get together at some time, after your holiday? I'm afraid I wouldn't trust a designer not to look at me as a walking Gringotts vault, and I prefer your eye anyway. You could come for tea, have a look around, and we can go up the King's Road to some of the shops there, if you like?
Thank you, Narcissa. You are truly helpful.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-16 09:18 pm UTC |
Remus, that sounds quite lovely. Yes, tapestries such as those would certainly work with a Victorian decorum, as the Victorian Era borrowed quite a bit from times past.
Getting together after the completion of my holiday sounds delightful. It has been far too long since we have seen one another and I could do with the exquisite company.
You are more than welcome, Remus. I am just afraid that I am not helpful enough in other matters.
lupercus @ 2003-08-16 09:27 pm UTC |
Send me an owl, my dear, when you are free to arrange a meeting. We have much to talk about, beyond tapestries and window treatments I expect.
Be well.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-16 09:32 pm UTC |
Much to talk about, indeed.
You can expect an owl from me at the conclusion of this week.
jadedsirius @ 2003-08-16 08:42 pm UTC |
There's loads of spare furniture here, you know, just collecting dust.
No sense wasting it.
Just an idea.
potions_master @ 2003-08-16 08:44 pm UTC |
How noble of you, to offer a man his own furniture.
jadedsirius @ 2003-08-16 08:46 pm UTC |
Piss off, Snape, this is none of your concern.
Stick your abnormally large nose elsewhere.
potions_master @ 2003-08-16 08:50 pm UTC |
I fail to see how it's any of yours anymore.
My abnormally large nose has as much right to comment as your abysmally small brain.
jadedsirius @ 2003-08-16 08:52 pm UTC |
Some of the furniture we purchased together. I was trying to be helpful, something you wouldn't understand.
(parent)potions_master @ 2003-08-16 08:55 pm UTC |
You're right, of course. I would not understand that at all.
Too little, too late, Black.
potions_master @ 2003-08-16 09:06 pm UTC |
Are you at all capable of thinking about anyone but yourself?
jadedsirius @ 2003-08-16 09:09 pm UTC |
I was thinking of you, actually. What a mistake that was.
(parent)potions_master @ 2003-08-16 09:20 pm UTC |
Indeed. One would think that you would have learnt a valuable lesson about allowing yourself to be led around by your penis.
Though, it is by far the more intelligent of your appendages, so it is perhaps understandable.
jadedsirius @ 2003-08-16 09:29 pm UTC |
You might want to allow yourself an actual human emotion before you try to comment on them, you know.
(parent)potions_master @ 2003-08-16 09:43 pm UTC |
And this habit of assuming that no-one else in the world but you has emotions has worked so well for you thus far, Black.
Do not presume to know anything about me. You may have had carnal knowledge of half the sodding planet but what you truly know about any of us would not fill the smallest phial in my stores.
And what you do not know might very well surprise you.
jadedsirius @ 2003-08-16 09:45 pm UTC |
I know more than you think. You are rather transparent.
(parent)potions_master @ 2003-08-16 09:50 pm UTC |
Given your inability to percieve anything outside of your own trousers, I sincerely doubt that.
potions_master @ 2003-08-16 09:54 pm UTC |
That, Sirius Black, is absolutely impossible.
Unless you have mistaken me for Lucius Malfoy.
jadedsirius @ 2003-08-16 09:59 pm UTC |
No, that is completely impossible.
I am quite certain of that.
potions_master @ 2003-08-16 10:04 pm UTC |
There is nothing you have ever done that inspires me to believe a word.
However, everything you have ever done inspires me not to.
jadedsirius @ 2003-08-16 10:14 pm UTC |
Your words would wound me, if indeed, I gave a niffler's ass what you thought any more.
(parent)potions_master @ 2003-08-16 10:29 pm UTC |
Such wit. Will you be here all the week? Should I try the veal?
jadedsirius @ 2003-08-16 10:34 pm UTC |
Save your repartee for someone who appreciates it. I shall name no names, of course.
(parent)potions_master @ 2003-08-16 10:41 pm UTC |
You truly are a complete imbecile, aren't you? We are not all as devoid of morals as you.
Go do what you do best and earn another notch for your bed-post, along with the nail for your coffin.
lupercus @ 2003-08-16 10:43 pm UTC |
Stop it, Severus. Please.
That's enough from the both of you.
jadedsirius @ 2003-08-16 10:47 pm UTC |
It's fine, Remus. I tire of him anyway.
I have better things to do.
lupercus @ 2003-08-16 08:47 pm UTC |
True, though I think it's all a bit too much for this place.
Thank you, though.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-16 09:00 pm UTC |
I am quite sure that my feelings, along with certain others, are of no concern to you at the moment.
(parent)jadedsirius @ 2003-08-16 09:10 pm UTC |
Don't you have some decorating to do? Some potpourri to put out?
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-16 09:21 pm UTC |
Oughtn't you go see about a husband? One that bears your ring, preferably?
(parent)jadedsirius @ 2003-08-16 09:26 pm UTC |
You may wish to have a bit more vodka, Narcissa. You wouldn't want to develop even more wrinkles.
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-16 09:30 pm UTC |
I cannot have any alcohol on account of the recovery of my surgery, not that it is any of your concern. Fretting over wrinkles are inconsequential considering the light of current events, Sirius Black. . .but I suppose that worrying over these things is not something you consider to be of any importance.
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-16 09:39 pm UTC |
I think my time has been wasted upon you long enough.
Good evening.
jadedsirius @ 2003-08-16 09:42 pm UTC |
Indeed, I have far better things to be doing as well.
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-08-16 11:09 pm UTC |
I don't know that I want to.
Was this really necessary, Severus?
potions_master @ 2003-08-16 11:12 pm UTC |
Trust to hope that you are given the choice.
And admittedly, no. My apologies.
lupercus @ 2003-08-16 11:20 pm UTC |
You shouldn't let anyone goad you that way. I know you, Severus. You are above that.
Are you still in Tokyo?
potions_master @ 2003-08-16 11:34 pm UTC |
I was never the pillar of restraint that you are, Lupin.
No, I have moved on. More's the pity, Tokyo was a damned sight better than this horrid place. Though, perhaps that would explain my poor humour this evening. I do not think anyone bloody sleeps around here.
lupercus @ 2003-08-17 12:04 am UTC |
You give my restraint a lot more credit than it deserves, Severus.
I won't ask where you are, though I suspect you are once again back in America. Sorry about that. Your journey's nearing the end, though, isn't it? You will be back for school?
potions_master @ 2003-08-17 12:11 am UTC |
Do I? I believe you are underestimating yourself, and overestimating me.
I am indeed in America. I will of course write about this forsaken place in due time, and yes - I will return for the start of term. I have few remaining destinations.
I never thought I would say that I will be relieved to return to Hogwarts.
lupercus @ 2003-08-17 12:36 am UTC |
These fragments I have shored against my ruins.
We are none of us so strong as we seem.
It will be good to have you back, Severus.
I must be off, now. It's pretty late here.
lupercus @ 2003-08-17 03:37 pm UTC |
Thank you, Arthur. I may just take you up on that.
Er... any luck, on your end? And how's the rest of the family holding up?
- Remus
wehaveseven @ 2003-08-17 05:12 pm UTC |
No luck, she won't come inside nor even speak to me. I'm losing hope, Remus, but I'll die before I give up.
The kids are okay. She speaks to them; the shed door has a half-door like a barn door and she opens the top half and talks to them over the top of that. Ginny's been in to work with me a few times, she seems to really enjoy it and I don't know if her mother knows yet. It'd probably be another black mark for me, though, letting the children work.
I'm a little bit lost, Remus. It'd be good to see you, have a chat. I'm not the best cook, though, I warn you.
- Arthur.
lupercus @ 2003-08-17 11:36 pm UTC |
Arthur, if you're not too busy tomorrow I think I'd like to come round. Don't worry about cooking, I'll bring some fresh scones and pastries from the shop down the road from me. I should like to talk with you about this, and I don't think that this is the proper place for that.
Chin up, Arthur. While I understand why Molly is angry with you, she is fortunate that you will not give up on her. There's not many out there who could claim the same.
I'll see you tomorrow, I hope.
- Remus
wehaveseven @ 2003-08-17 11:49 pm UTC |
Tomorrow'd be great, I'll be home from work from about 5pm on. Scones would be wonderful, too. I keep burning mine.
- Arthur.