lupercus @ 2003-08-27 04:40:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | freight train - or, Harry snoring. |
A Sort of Homecoming
Severus has gone, off on his travels once more, only to be replaced by a Harry.
I got into the flat after a long day out of doors looking for Harry running errands only to find the little ass asleep in the armchair, alive and well and buried beneath two dozing puppies.
It took a very loud row, a lot of tears and a take-away curry, but I think things might be okay now. Or better than they were, which is a start. I believe in starts. We've settled some big things and are being a bit more honest about some other things, and everything else is frankly nobody's business but ours.
Anyway, Harry is okay, he's fine and he's here. And I am very relieved indeed.
Am also completely knackered now so I'm off to bed, if there's any bloody bed left. How can someone so skinny take up so much room?
Good night everyone. And thank you.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-26 09:18 pm UTC |
I am so very relieved that Harry has finally revealed himself to you. Take some time to rest and reacquaint yourselves with one another after your separation.
I am thinking of you both and wishing you health and happiness.
lupercus @ 2003-08-27 01:15 pm UTC |
Thank you, Narcissa. Harry says hello.
Good luck to you, wherever the days have taken you.
- Remus
PS: You'll be pleased that Echo has her playmate back. Rosie was with Harry so it is really quite crowded here at the moment. I think we will be taking the pups with us back to Hogwarts and they will be under Hagrid's watch. There isn't a better person to look after them, I don't think.
lupercus @ 2003-08-27 01:34 am UTC |
Did you manage to get all the dog's hair up from your robes, Severus?
potions_master @ 2003-08-27 01:50 am UTC |
As I am allergic to dogs' hair I was forced to incinerate them.
You owe me a set of new robes, Lupin.
lupercus @ 2003-08-27 01:55 am UTC |
Duly noted, Severus.
Did you know, you left your new quills behind. Shall I bring them along for you on Sunday?
sinistra @ 2003-08-27 12:02 am UTC |
I thought it might be Sirius Black's business but then I suppose you do consider yourself the better godparent. And it looks like young Mr Potter thinks so too! How quaint.
lupercus @ 2003-08-27 12:43 am UTC |
Sirius has been made aware of the things that he needs to be aware of.
Thanks for your concern. It's so obviously sincere.
- R.L.
wehaveseven @ 2003-08-27 01:12 am UTC |
Oh, thank goodness thank goodness. YOU TELL HIM HE HAS SOME EXPLAINING TO DO.
lupercus @ 2003-08-27 01:27 am UTC |
Oh yes, he is fully aware that he is due for some of your own special brand of wrath, Molly. Feel free to send that Howler whenever you like. He's had a live one from me already.
He says hello also.
- Remus
wehaveseven @ 2003-08-27 01:29 am UTC |
Oh I just don't have the heart to send any howlers right now, I don't, but the feeling behind one is there. Hello to Harry, Mr Lupin.
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-08-27 01:33 am UTC |
Poor Harry will be highly disappointed by the lack of Howler, but I'm sure he will get by.
You know, I have been meaning to ask you if you would allow me to take you for lunch sometime. Perhaps before the start of term. You sound as if you could do with a day out. Consider it, and let me know.
At any rate, I hope you and yours are well.
- Remus
wehaveseven @ 2003-08-27 01:40 am UTC |
Well yes, I don't see why not. I'm free every day this week, I've cleaned every corner of this shed and now the spiders are all cross with me for tearing down their webs so I found them a new home and now I've not much to do. Just don't you get fresh with me, young man, I'm still a married woman. What day???
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-08-27 01:48 am UTC |
You definitely need a day out, madam. If not for your sake then for the spiders'!
Tomorrow I'm afraid that I am spoken for as Harry and I are heading up to Edinburgh to suss out his new flat (indeed!) and to see what can be done with it. So how does Friday sound to you? I know a lovely little place not far from Diagon Alley. I can meet you at the Leaky Cauldron?
And I assure you, my dear Mrs Weasley, that my intentions are perfectly honourable. I shall behave a perfect gentleman, as one can only be around a fetching young creature such as yourself.
- Mister Lupin
wehaveseven @ 2003-08-27 02:45 am UTC |
All right dear, Friday sounds wonderful. I shall be at the Leaky Cauldron!
Now what is Harry doing, with his own flat? He can't manage that! He's only a boy, what is he thinking? And no one is living in Dogear Wryde and if somebody doesn't soon I'll just move into it myself because you know, this shed is kind of small!
percyneedsalife @ 2003-08-27 09:53 am UTC |
Mum! You're going to move in with Professor Lupin?! I can't believe you!
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-08-27 12:58 pm UTC |
We're about to head over to his flat right now, actually. I'm a little baffled myself but he's really quite proud, so I'm certain he knows what he's doing. And he is of age, and his mother was seventeen when she moved away from home, so there's really no arguing with him.
While I can't imagine why you'd prefer a drafty old mansion to the wonderful and cozy Burrow, Mrs Weasley, you are more than welcome to make use of it. I daresay the house-elves would be delighted to have someone to serve again (and you might appreciate it, too!).
Let's discuss it on Friday, shall we?
- Remus
knight_to_h3 @ 2003-08-27 03:37 am UTC |
Hullo, can you ask Harry to owl me or something? When he has the time or feels like it- I'm at home anyway, cheers.
lupercus @ 2003-08-27 01:07 pm UTC |
Certainly, Ron! We're about to leave for his new flat but I'll have him owl you before we do. I'll go sit on him about it right now, in fact.
Thanks very much for all your help in looking for him, Ron. You were an immense help.
- Remus
wheresmytoad @ 2003-08-27 09:34 am UTC |
That's great that he's back, Professor. Say hullo to him for me, and I'll see him next week.
lupercus @ 2003-08-27 01:11 pm UTC |
Cheers, Neville. I'll say hello for you. And I am very glad that your Gran is all right. Sorry I didn't say anything sooner; I was a bit distracted.
- Professor Lupin