lupercus @ 2003-08-29 23:41:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | ringing |
Until you crossed the line of grace
It is a crying shame when a boy that had been raised Muggle has not been to see a concert by the age of seventeen. I'm as Pureblooded as they come and even I had got to see Bowie in London back in 1976, thanks to Lily. Granted I don't quite remember anything about it thanks to the (extremely irresponsible do not try this at home impressionable young children) indulgence in some questionable substances, but I'm sure it was a smashing good show. Though actually, now that I think about it there's a chance that it wasn't Bowie at all, or 1976, or even in London... Hm.
Anyway, on Thursday night Harry and I set out to catch a concert in Leeds. The weather wasn't bad when we left Edinburgh but once we got to Roundhay Park the clouds were gathering and thunder sounding overhead. Our tickets were for the pitch so we queued up with everyone at the gates, and every few minutes or so the sky would open up and we'd all be drenched. And of course we couldn't use Repelling Charms or anything because of all the Muggles (nice as they were) around, and so by the time they let us in we were all completely soaked. Once they let us in the both of us got jumpers from the t-shirt stand in an effort to stay warm, though in the end it was worse to have more clothes on when the rain started up again. It didn't stop for the rest of the night. We were pretty much doomed to drown.
Though, once the show began no-one seemed to much care.
All through the show Harry kept jumping up and down, and eventually I realised it was to the music and not to keep warm. I'm somewhat familiar with the group but Harry had heard of them before and got very into the whole thing, singing along and cheering and all that, and I admit that it was very contagious. At least the band seemed to be about my age, so I didn't feel quite so out of place while behaving like an idiot. We were quite close to the stage, and when the lead-singer fellow came out and bounced around in front of us, Harry got right up on the rail and reached up and got himself a handshake. He was, of course, completely impossible afterward, and all the way back to Edinburgh on the Knight Bus he just chattered and sang off-key until he finally fell asleep - five minutes before we arrived. Indeed.
Installed the sleeping Harry into his flat before Apparating back to my own, feeling very chilled and squelchy and leaving little puddles of water wherever I went. I was so drenched that even several Drying Charms couldn't clear all the water away, so in the end I wrung out my robes, left them in front of the fire and dried myself out in the armchair.
Unfortunately I woke up this morning with a bit of a cold. Just in time for school. Still, it was a brilliant bloody concert.
I'm off to fester, and tinker a bit with this journal before finishing off the rest of my lesson plans. Here's hoping I get back what's left of my voice and my hearing by Monday or you will all be learning about unicorns and thestrals through interpretive dance.
lupercus @ 2003-08-30 01:00 am UTC |
Arthur, you'd have been fascinated. All sorts of things at those things, operating on electricity. You ought to see about getting your hands on an electric Muggle guitar, though I've no idea where you'd plug one in.
I'm told women like a serenade now and again.
- Remus
artistic_flower @ 2003-08-29 11:58 pm UTC |
That sounds like it was a lot of fun, Professor. Sorry about your cold; summer colds are the worst. Looking forward to school though.
lupercus @ 2003-08-30 01:01 am UTC |
Ah, it's just a bit of a sniffle. I'll live.
I hope your summer was a good one, Padma. I'm looking forward to school myself. I've missed it.
- Professor Lupin
blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-30 12:15 am UTC |
I'm so glad to hear that both you and Harry had a most enjoyable evening. You certainly deserve it after the tumultuous past few weeks.
lupercus @ 2003-08-30 01:04 am UTC |
Yes, it's been such a dismal holiday all round that I thought he might enjoy doing something halfway normal, for a change. I know I certainly did.
Of course, in two days' time we'll be back at Hogwarts and settling in for another term of being proper wizards.
Hope you are well, Narcissa. Did you happen to run into Charlie while you were off in Romania?
- Remus
blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-30 01:19 am UTC |
I am as well as can be expected, Remus.
As a matter of fact, I did run into Charlie Weasley today. He and I met at the Citadel Clock tower in the midst of Sighisoara this afternoon for a spot of tea. He is most lovely and his company is ever so enjoyable. I daresay I shall look forward to spending more time with him in the future.
lupercus @ 2003-08-30 01:21 am UTC |
As am I, Narcissa.
I am glad you have met up with Charlie! He is very entertaining, isn't he? And not too hard on the eyes. You will find a good friend in him, if you're so inclined.
Tell him I said hello.
- Remus
blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-30 01:27 am UTC |
Entertaining does not even begin to encompass exactly what that man is, don't you agree? You are correct; he does have a certain attractive air about him and is quite unaffected by such. I know that you are on task with your assessment of him; it is not difficult to see that the man has a most kind heart.
I will pass along your greeting when I see him in the early afternoon once more.
lupercus @ 2003-08-30 01:39 am UTC |
He's absolutely brilliant. And don't be fooled, he knows it. There's more Gryffindor pride in him than anything else, despite the dragons' attempts at slow-roasting him over the last few years. Somehow he wears it well.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your journey, and I hope that it brings you something. Peace. Wisdom if you can find any. Joy.
- Remus
purestblood @ 2003-08-30 01:48 pm UTC |
Charlie Weasley? I'm so glad you found some friends to spend time with. The fact that they are young, attractive men has nothing to do with it, I'm sure. Did you enjoy your tea with him? I am so heartened to know that you aren't lonely while on your travels.
blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-30 05:26 pm UTC |
Really, Lucius. I cannot even find the words to properly reply to such accusations, particularly so from you now.
(parent)blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-30 07:12 pm UTC |
You ought to spend a bit more time making observations about yourself and your own actions, not dwelling on mine.
(parent)potions_master @ 2003-08-30 01:08 am UTC |
Apparently not.
A lecture would be wasted on you, Lupin. However I must say that your flagrant defiance of our laws and our ways of life are increasingly offensive. What sort of example are you setting for your students by cavorting about England as if you weren't properly wizarding at all?
Really. Control yourself.
lupercus @ 2003-08-30 01:11 am UTC |
Severus, your Slytherin is showing.
I realise it's not very Quidditch of me to stand with one foot in both worlds but I find the Muggle world very calming. It's nice to vanish into it for a bit and be perfectly ordinary. No one demands to see the number on my arm, in the Muggle world.
Besides, you know what they say about pride, and where it goeth.
potions_master @ 2003-08-30 01:15 am UTC |
I simply think you are behaving in an unseemly manner for a wizard of proper heritage. The Muggles are backward, rude and completely useless. I do not understand your fascination with them.
And as for your House Prejudices, certain members of your family might have a few words for you on that subject.
lupercus @ 2003-08-30 01:19 am UTC |
You underestimate the Muggles. Which is quite interesting considering the books I know you've got on your shelves, the music you listen to and the artwork upon your office walls. There's nothing wrong with appreciating the Muggles' strengths, Severus. They do have their flaws but then again, who are we to judge? I certainly can't judge anyone, not when our world can't decide whether or not I am a Being, or a Beast.
My mother was a very good Slytherin. My father was an excellent Ravenclaw. My aunt was a Hufflepuff. Your point?
potions_master @ 2003-08-30 01:28 am UTC |
I have said in the past that I consider the Muggle Arts to be superior to that of our world. That does not mean I am ready to go gallivanting about pretending to be something that I am not. You are a wizard, and a werewolf, and I think it is high time that you behave as such.
The return to Hogwarts has not come along too soon for your sake, I expect.
lupercus @ 2003-08-30 01:32 am UTC |
I thought you said you weren't going to lecture me (again), Severus.
You've got yourself a hobby after all!
potions_master @ 2003-08-30 01:33 am UTC |
If, in the course of this term, I find a crane anywhere near the dungeons, you are a dead man.
lupercus @ 2003-08-30 01:35 am UTC |
Cranes = death. Fair enough. I will make a note of that.
Goodnight, Severus.