lupercus @ 2003-10-30 23:28:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
It's the most wonderful time of the year.
I love Hallowe'en.
Allow me to emphasise: I love Hallowe'en.
The Feast tomorrow promises to be interesting if nothing else. I have heard murmurs of many an interesting costume amongst the students and more than one has been by my office asking for spare fwooper feathers, and any extra fangs I might have lying about. I myself have a rather ingenious costume in mind, if a bit heavy.
Note to self: Stock up on candy. Then, buy some for the students as well.
This will be a much-needed pick-me-up for the school I expect. It's been rather dreary here as of late, very much so. A little unnerving really, I much prefer the school to be a little more rowdy. When the castle's this quiet you start to hear old ghosts in the walls that are usually drowned out by the living. So I'm looking forward to the holiday and the week end.
No, Draco. I don't know who took your socks. And no, it was not me.
Right, I'm going to finish up this quiz for my second-years and then I'm going to see about some tea. Darjeeling I think, I'm feeling rather dangerous tonight.
Yes, that was a joke.
lupercus @ 2003-10-31 12:06 am UTC |
They claim innocence, but I'm not too sure about the Crup. He's always been a bit shady, not to mention the criminal forehead.
sinistra @ 2003-10-31 12:06 am UTC |
Well happy birthday Remus. I would send a gift but I prefer to receive. You are however welcome to give.
lupercus @ 2003-10-31 12:09 am UTC |
Good lord.
I forgot. It is my birthday, isn't it?
I'll consider that your gift, Sinistra. Thank you!
(Would a bag of candy corn suffice?)
lupercus @ 2003-10-31 12:16 am UTC |
Coy is my middle name, Professor. Well no, it's actually Jude.
I did forget, though.
Pop by my office tomorrow. No tricks now, or no treat.
potions_master @ 2003-10-31 12:08 am UTC |
You may look forward to it. You do not have to chaperone.
I dislike Darjeeling.
lupercus @ 2003-10-31 12:10 am UTC |
You'll have fun. Just think of all the points you can take away tomorrow night.
Have any strong opinions toward Barry's?
potions_master @ 2003-10-31 12:13 am UTC |
Taking points will be a small joy in an otherwise dismal evening, of this I am certain.
I have no opinion whatsoever. And how does one forget his own birthday? In particular, how does someone as insipidly cheerful as you forget his own birthday?
lupercus @ 2003-10-31 12:20 am UTC |
What's your costume going to be?
You know, I really haven't any idea how it slipped my mind. I guess that's the thing when you get older. Birthdays aren't so much a milestone anymore. It's just another year gone by since the first one. Not such a big deal really.
You'd like Barry's. It suits you.
potions_master @ 2003-10-31 12:23 am UTC |
I am not wearing a costume.
You say this now, after making a mockery of my own day of birth. You are a hypocrite, Remus Lupin. And if you ever again come near me with a pointed hat and noisemakers, I will take your words and imprint them upon your forehead with permanent ink, so help me.
Knowing your taste in tea, I doubt very highly I would enjoy it.
lupercus @ 2003-10-31 12:26 am UTC |
Well, that will cause quite a stir.
My dear Severus, just because I have a poor view of my own birthday doesn't mean I don't celebrate with gusto the days those I care about have come into the world. Why, those are the best sorts of days really. I think next year for you we ought to arrange a ticker-tape parade through Hogsmeade. With floats.
I'll have a cup ready for you, then.
potions_master @ 2003-10-31 12:27 am UTC |
You have a filthy mind.
Don't you dare.
No, thank you.
hannahabbott @ 2003-10-31 12:47 am UTC |
Happy birthday, Professor! Many happy returns and all things happy!
onourbrooms @ 2003-10-31 05:32 am UTC |
Happy birthday, Remus. Perhaps we can have a drink down the Hog's sometime soon?
sibyllsays @ 2003-10-31 07:20 am UTC |
Xiomara, do you think it might be appropriate for us to go in together on a gift? The Cards suggested a plushie might be well-received!!!
Or perhaps not.
onourbrooms @ 2003-10-31 11:18 am UTC |
I think it would be very appropriate.
What on earth is a plushie? It sounds like a Muggle soft drink.
sibyllsays @ 2003-10-31 09:08 pm UTC |
One of my DARLING students brought one to class the other day. It was a stuffed animal and I confess I did not see the difference between it and any other velveteen rabbit but she assured me that it was FAR superior to your average toy!
(parent)onourbrooms @ 2003-11-01 04:48 am UTC |
Sibyll, dear? Do not believe a word that Brown says. Her mind may be addled from cosmetic charm abuse.
(parent)onourbrooms @ 2003-11-01 04:51 am UTC |
You will be gifted, and you will like it. Just count yourself lucky that Sibyll and I are a rather tame force, as compared to Sylvia and I. (I seem to recall a conversation that went something like this: "So Sev, you like strawberry-flavored things, right?" "Begone, spawn of Satan." "Oooh, lovely. We thought you would.")
(parent)lupercus @ 2003-11-01 07:57 pm UTC |
Yes ma'am. Thank you ma'am.
(And incidentally, he's very fond of blackberry. You didn't hear that from me, however.)
lupercus @ 2003-10-31 12:43 pm UTC |
That would be lovely, Xiomara. I'll find you tonight, and we will make plans.
Sibyll is welcome to join as well, if she likes.
Happy Hallowe'en.