lupercus @ 2004-01-13 22:49:00 |
Current mood: | resigned |
Use Well the Days
All good things must come to an end, and while I have enjoyed my time at Hogwarts I'm afraid that I will not be returning to teach there again. I have tendered my resignation to the Headmaster, and I believe some kind house-elves are packing up my rooms and office. I believe either Hagrid or Professor Grubbly-Plank will be taking over Care of Magical Creatures from here on.
It wasn't an easy decision, but the fact is that I have a very long road ahead of me as far as recovery is concerned, and it doesn't leave much room for teaching lessons and handling magical creatures. I can't imagine having to navigate those castle staircases, not to mention charging after errant Hippogriff or Thestrals as they carry off the hapless first years. No, it's best left in the hands of someone more capable than I am now.
I won't be going back to Dogear either, not right now at any rate. It's too big of a house for just myself to rattle around in, so I'm going to take up my London flat again. It is small and easy for me to get around in on my own. I will wait until the summer, I think, to go home to the ones who will be waiting there for me.
Of course, Harry, and Sirius, my London fireplace will always be open to you both - and for that matter, any visitors who might want to call by and entertain a rather damaged fellow when they've the time. I'll be needing a bit of entertainment, I think. Not sure what to do with myself now.
It was lovely to be a part of your academic lives. Thank you for letting me teach you.
![]() seamus_f @ 2004-01-14 11:24 am UTC |
Well, after our conversation Saturday, I can't say as I'm surprised, though you know how I feel about this. Selfishly, I am mostly disappointed to not have you quite as near to hand as before. This place will be rather dull without you. However, I am still willing and able to assist you in any way I can with any future endeavours.
And what on earth did you say to Snape? I'm sorry I asked now; you were right. Never being mentioned was probably better. Well, Malfoy owes me a few favors, so I'll see if he can be of some help. Hell.
Can also cheer you up via owl. Just say the word.
lupercus @ 2004-01-14 11:50 pm UTC |
Thank you for your visit. It was very uplifting.
How are you feeling now?
seamus_f @ 2004-01-15 09:34 am UTC |
How do you THINK I'm feeling? I'm a fecking mess, is what I am. I would clearly have to take up yoga. Hm, perhaps Parvati will know something about that.
Of course, it was worth it.
Go easy on Dean now. He can't help it. You know how that is.
lupercus @ 2004-01-15 02:13 pm UTC |
Yoga would likely be a very good idea, I think.
If it helps any, my leg is even more useless than usual today, and I was scolded from one end of the ward to the other by my Healer. If he could, I think he'd give me a detention.
I am always easy on Dean. I merely told him the truth, is all. It's what I do, in all situations. You know that.
deanthomas @ 2004-01-14 09:10 pm UTC |
Do you really have to?
Okay, that show of pleading was sincere in the whole "it won't be the same without you" sense, but of course I know that you know what's best for yourself. Won't be the same though, really.
Take care, Professor. Er, can I still call you that?
lupercus @ 2004-01-14 11:51 pm UTC |
You can call me Remus, Dean.
Oh, and also?
You are an absolute idiot. But, I am certain you know that.
Take care of yourself, Thomas. Send an owl whenever you fancy.
potions_master @ 2004-01-15 03:57 pm UTC |
Two points to Slytherin for originality of thought.
(parent)jadedsirius @ 2004-01-15 05:28 pm UTC |
Oh, yes--you would know all about originality of thought, Professor All-About-the-Points.
(parent)potions_master @ 2004-01-15 06:11 pm UTC |
That response does not even make sense, Black. Which is hardly original, coming from you.
(parent)wheresmytoad @ 2004-01-15 07:18 pm UTC |
Since I'm not taking COMC myself anymore, it doesn't even affect me academically, but somehow it really does feel like a blow. Oh, we will miss you, sir!
Hogwarts just won't seem the same without you.
lupercus @ 2004-01-15 10:29 pm UTC |
Life won't seem the same without Hogwarts, Neville.
Be well. And say hello to your Gran for me.
wheresmytoad @ 2004-01-16 04:42 am UTC |
(Apologies to Professor Snape, but your icon made me laugh). Thanks, Professor. I will.
(parent)potions_master @ 2004-01-16 09:06 am UTC |
Apology accepted, Longbottom, along with five points from Gryffindor.
(parent)wehaveseven @ 2004-01-15 11:19 pm UTC |
i can juggle!/
sorry remus. i know you like to teach so this is sad. dont stop teaching even if you are not professor remus anymore. theres loads to learn from you still.
visit soon? me yes ok
seamus_f @ 2004-01-15 11:24 pm UTC |
Well, there's another country heard from.
So, um, how are things?
wehaveseven @ 2004-01-15 11:26 pm UTC |
hallo you
things ok. dragons smell funny. its cold alot
your things ok/?
seamus_f @ 2004-01-15 11:28 pm UTC |
My things? Of which things do you inquire?
It is cold here, too. But I thought you'd found someone to warm your things?
wehaveseven @ 2004-01-15 11:32 pm UTC |
all your things of course. you and your things
no no one warming my things. thought maybe but no cause it wasnt um
yeah no. i thinkmaybe i left the warm somewhere else
seamus_f @ 2004-01-15 11:38 pm UTC |
My things are. Well, honestly, my things have been better.
There was a man in a house who let us in and we made him feel better.
Maybe I just got stuck there. I dunno.
wehaveseven @ 2004-01-15 11:41 pm UTC |
i think someone needs to look after your things for you better
do you know that i really rather
miss you
seamus_f @ 2004-01-15 11:46 pm UTC |
I get offers, but then someone usually finds something better to do. But it would be nice.
I didn't know. I've missed you every day since you left.
I dunno. Never mind.
seamus_f @ 2004-01-15 11:49 pm UTC |
Maybe we were too practical or realistic or hasty or something.
I dunno.
D'ya think?
wehaveseven @ 2004-01-15 11:55 pm UTC |
you want to know what i think
i think
i know
we should be. like that like before and like for a while and i could look after your things and you could keep mine warm and i think you know this is a good plan because i missed you and i was lonely and i thought maybe i could do but then i thought no its because she was not you
so yes i think
seamus_f @ 2004-01-15 11:59 pm UTC |
For a while? I'd like that, though. I'd like that very much.
Charlie, do you think I'm fun? I used to be fun. I think they thought I wasn't fun enough.
Sorry, never mind, that was a bit heavy. But owl me, yeah?
wehaveseven @ 2004-01-16 12:03 am UTC |
long while a long long while you know those kinds of whiles.
you are fun
do you know how much fun? the fun where i had BRUISES FOR A WEEK fun
no see the thing is we just picked up other people;s things and you know
well you are my thing now and nobody can pick you up because not putting you down ok
owling owly now
seamus_f @ 2004-01-16 12:11 am UTC |
I would like to settle in for a long while. Yes, yes I would.
Mmm. Bruises. I remember that.
I am having nothing to do with other people's things ever again. You have to make sure of that. Neither of us.
ok. I like not being put down for once.
Where is that blasted owl?