lupercus @ 2002-07-19 19:53:00

Current mood: cheerful

My plans to visit Muggle London are set, so I'll be missing over the weekend. I'm planning on picking up a few supplies - robes, ink, quills, and a few good books. Does anyone have any recommendations? I've got a few ideas but its been a while since I've been to a good bookshop.

For the record, I think it would be a good idea to go alone. I'm just not up to company lately, for some reason. My apologies.


sinistra @ 2002-07-21 12:44 am UTC

Remus, you may want to try "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover."

Just a thought.

lupercus @ 2002-07-23 04:25 am UTC

You wound me.

Actually, no. Sirius and I are perfectly fine, thanks.

[typing this from a muggle internet cafe, outside of kings cross station]

Having a good time in London, in case anyone cares.

sinistra @ 2002-07-23 04:53 am UTC

Hmmm. Remus, that last remark doesn't scream 'perfectly fine' to me. Trouble in leatherville?
