lupercus @ 2004-05-15 23:09:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Within the book are the pages, and on the pages are the words.
I realise that by posting I once again violate the terms of service of these journals by not, at present, being drunk, French, a pompous overstuffed peacock, or a Malfoy. I also regret not making any grand, cryptic statements announcing yet another public divorce. One of those is quite enough for me, thank you.
And considering that it's water under the bridge, and I've recently celebrated my first anniversary, I'm not particularly inclined to follow current trends.
Today I returned to my old rooms here at the castle, which was a rather enjoyable experience in and of itself. Reshelving the books, arranging the bric-a-brac (which includes a slightly disheveled Sirius who has still not recovered from our celebratory alcoholic feast last night; I have installed him upon the sofa), arranging things with Gavin that he look after the shop while I am here during the week, and I will make the trek out to Hogsmeade at the weekend. I think it will work out well.
I admit that it's a bit dodgy getting around in here these days, but there's no shortage of aid from the house-elves. I suspect Sirius will be a particularly big help, once he's slept off the hangover. As it was, I had to help him up the stairs this morning. May have to get him a walking-stick of his own.
And of course, it's lovely to see you all again. I do miss teaching, but then again, I do not. I am enjoying being in the library, handing out books and hexing people who don't bring them back on time (am I joking? Find out!) and keeping Madam Pince company. She is considering a holiday, as it turns out - I believe she's looking into Majorca. She deserves it, the dear lady.
Of course, I will hold down the library in her stead. Victory is mine, ha ha!
It's not all fun and games. I want to know how Pettigrew got out of Azkaban. I want to know how he got into Hogwarts. I want to know what the Ministry plans to do about this. I don't understand why no-one is asking these questions. I don't understand how this could happen.
I'd also like a word with Percy Weasley.
All that aside, it's been a busy week, and it's late and I think I ought to go up and get some sleep. Sirius will likely stir sometime in the night, and he will be hungry and steal my blankets, and I shall be forced to kill him. I'd best save my strength.
In closing, Severus Snape is currently skulking behind a stack of 1001 Spores, Moulds and Fungi, looking for all the world like a malevolent bat.
Oh, I think he's spotted me.
Same to you, mate. Same to you.
lupercus @ 2004-05-16 07:43 am UTC |
Then all you need is an intoxicated trophy wife and a book of quotations, and you'll be set.
lupercus @ 2004-05-16 08:15 am UTC |
I cannot hear you over the rush of the vodka flowing through my veins.
Ora dirò qualcosa in italiano, come mi rende lo sguardo reso sofisticato e meno libero.
lupercus @ 2004-05-16 08:21 am UTC |
Oh, marmot-lips, you know I love it when you talk the Language of the Pigs.
sinistra @ 2004-05-16 08:25 am UTC |
Our secret name. Oh, 'Mus. You treat me too well. For that I must leave you.
(parent)lupercus @ 2004-05-16 08:35 am UTC |
'Nis, I am distraught, and shall indulge in medication in an effort to gain a personality.
sinistra @ 2004-05-16 09:08 am UTC |
I have drank maybe twice all year. No one cares. I hate you all.
(parent)sinistra @ 2004-05-16 09:24 am UTC |
The majority of my drinking has taken place since April to be precise. I was trying to quit however it seems no one noticed. I hope you all get the dragon pox.
(parent)lupercus @ 2004-05-16 09:37 am UTC |
Well, I was not in the castle for most of the year, mind you.
Spare me the dragon pox, o bitter one.
lupercus @ 2004-05-16 07:48 am UTC |
Je n'ai pas su que vous parlez français, ma chère fille. Où l'avez-vous appris ? C'est une belle langue, oui?
(parent)lupercus @ 2004-05-16 08:19 am UTC |
Only if they arrive on the backs of house-elves that have walked from Paris.
divineparvati @ 2004-05-16 08:34 am UTC |
Uh, what? Hahaha! Translate! Parlez vous Francais NON.
(parent)lupercus @ 2004-05-16 08:36 am UTC |
It's not something I like to repeat in polite company, Parvati.
divineparvati @ 2004-05-16 09:16 am UTC |
How do you ever live with yourself! I feel for you, Professor.
(parent)lupercus @ 2004-05-16 09:19 am UTC |
It's a constant struggle. I am shunned for it, every day.
divineparvati @ 2004-05-16 09:25 am UTC |
Judging this conversation, we both really need to get out more.
(parent)divineparvati @ 2004-05-16 10:20 am UTC |
Hey! Do not bring me down to your shut-in level! I am anything but a shut-in! I'll have my bright skies and clear days and eat them, too.
(parent)wehaveseven @ 2004-05-16 06:42 am UTC |
Hello I am glad you are at Hogwarts. Please help keep my children safe. Although why do you want to talk to Percy, he is probably busy.
lupercus @ 2004-05-16 07:37 am UTC |
I will do my very best, Molly.
I merely want to ask Percy a bit about his old rat. He did say he was an expert on him.
wehaveseven @ 2004-05-16 07:53 am UTC |
Oh well he had Scabbers for years, he was Percy's before he was Ron's.
(parent)missgranger @ 2004-05-16 07:21 am UTC |
It's been lovely seeing you in the library, Professor. We've missed you terribly here!
lupercus @ 2004-05-16 07:37 am UTC |
It's lovely to be back, Hermione!
Did you find the volumes you were looking for? I wasn't certain if that stack with legs was you, or Peeves having a bit of fun.
erniemacmillan @ 2004-05-16 07:23 am UTC |
Professor, do you think it's possible that someone could let Pettigrew out of Azkaban using telekinesis?
lupercus @ 2004-05-16 07:37 am UTC |
Oh, most definitely.
Perhaps if we all think hard enough, we can put him back?
lupercus @ 2004-05-16 07:49 am UTC |
Why don't you get started? The rest of us will be along presently.
erniemacmillan @ 2004-05-16 07:55 am UTC |
Can't. N.E.W.T.s. Brain liquefying. Possibly caused by Pettigrew? Must look into.
(parent)just_harry @ 2004-05-16 07:46 am UTC |
At least your walking stick makes this neat icon.
I don't understand, either.
lupercus @ 2004-05-16 08:10 am UTC |
You are a horrible child, and nobody likes you.
My walking-stick makes me look dignified!
Perhaps it is up to us to ask the questions, Harry.
just_harry @ 2004-05-16 08:13 am UTC |
I know. It wasn't nice to remind me though.
I don't know who to ask. Hermione and I had this funny idea but it won't work but it was really funny.
lupercus @ 2004-05-16 08:18 am UTC |
It's not nice to call the gimp a gimp, either.
What was her idea? Tell me, I could use a laugh.
just_harry @ 2004-05-16 08:23 am UTC |
You just called yourself a gimp? Wow.
I can't tell you here. It's just that private.
lupercus @ 2004-05-16 08:30 am UTC |
Well, as the gimp, I am allowed.
Come find me. Sirius is passed out and drooling. We can put bits of rubbish on his head, varnish his toenails, and other unspeakable things. And you can tell me this funny, private idea of Hermione's.
just_harry @ 2004-05-16 08:38 am UTC |
It's funny how you think WE should do this but I'm the one who has lessons with him on Monday.
(parent)lupercus @ 2004-05-16 08:59 am UTC |
Yes, but I share a bed with him. I'm the one sleeping with one eye open, tonight.
It's worth it and you know it. Come on.
just_harry @ 2004-05-16 09:02 am UTC |
Yeah but he's not going to embarrass YOU in front of YOUR friends!
(parent)lupercus @ 2004-05-16 09:08 am UTC |
You have obviously never met Sirius Black. You should. Nice fellow. Pity about the hair.
lupercus @ 2004-05-16 09:21 am UTC |
Just a bit. I blame society.
Also, his godson's horrible. Enough to drive anyone mad.
just_harry @ 2004-05-16 09:22 am UTC |
One time me and Sirius were in the Three Broomsticks and he laughed really loud and someone ran out of the pub.
(parent)perfectprefect @ 2004-05-16 08:35 am UTC |
I am afraid this remains a mystery to the Ministry of Magic. For all intents and purposes he should not have been able to free himself from his cell. As you may know, since Professor Black's escape, Azkaban's security has been increased. I daresay it was rather severe even prior to the changes. At this point it would take assistance from one who knows the lay, as it were, of Azkaban.
(parent)perfectprefect @ 2004-05-16 08:44 am UTC |
Merely that if Pettigrew received assistance in his escape, it is likely that it was from a person or persons who would be able to find their way around Azkaban. Rest assured that all of the guards are currently being questioned.
(parent)lupercus @ 2004-05-16 08:49 am UTC |
Well, obviously it was someone on the inside. He would have needed keys.
perfectprefect @ 2004-05-16 08:55 am UTC |
This is not necessarily true. The Department of Mysteries is currently developing various hypotheses that suggest there may have been alternate methods. Even as we communicate, they are exploring the possibility that there are spells that have gone unrecorded.
(parent)lupercus @ 2004-05-16 08:58 am UTC |
You're a pedantic little prat, aren't you?
You think someone might have broken him out, then?
perfectprefect @ 2004-05-16 08:59 am UTC |
Professor Lupin, I hardly feel that was appropriate!
(parent)lupercus @ 2004-05-16 09:25 am UTC |
I'm not feeling too appropriate at the moment, Percy. A convicted murderer who can disguise himself as a rat is currently on the loose, having just broken into Hogwarts to take back the wand of the Dark Lord and return it to him.
And no one has any answers as to why this is allowed to happen.
No, I do not feel appropriate. I feel frightened, and outraged, and I think the next full moon will find me dining on every rat from here to London.
perfectprefect @ 2004-05-16 09:41 am UTC |
While I am aware that I am in a position of authority, Professor, you must understand that this does not mean that I have all of the answers. I can no more answer 'why' than you can answer 'where'. I would suggest that you enjoy a cup of tea and relax. The Ministry will handle things.
(parent)perfectprefect @ 2004-05-16 09:19 am UTC |
I am quite well, Harry. Things have been quite busy at the Ministry, and while I likely hide it well, the truth is that I like things best when they are busiest. I was at the Ministry of Magic from half five this morning until eight this evening! It is all very exhilirating. It is an honour to be so deeply involved in a situation as delicate as this one. I have discovered the most interesting things about many people in our society.
It is most odd that you would happen to speak to me at this moment, actually. When I returned home from the Ministry this evening, I perused a well-worn copy of Heroes Through the Ages, and there is, as you may know, quite a section dedicated to you!
I trust you have been preparing for your N.E.W.T.s with the same enthusiasm as Ronald.
wheresmytoad @ 2004-05-16 01:03 pm UTC |
Hermione's right; it is indeed lovely to have you back, Professor.
(9How long do you expect Professor Snape will be needing that book? I was looking for it early, for revising for Herbology, and, um, I don't really like to ask him directly. Is there another copy anywhere?)