lupercus @ 2002-08-12 20:59:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | "A Kind of Magic," Queen |
Diary of a Mad Wolf.
A tedious day, the details of which I shall leave to public scrutiny.
And, seeing as how I am feeling rather long-winded tonight, I will spare you all and use an invisibility charm on my ramblings.potions_master is a bundle of contradictions under a dozen layers of clothing. He professes to be alarmed at my cheerful nature, yet this morning his great gray screech owl delivered a parcel to me containing some delightful gifts that, I would say, took quite a bit of thought on his part. The flea collar is a most lovely shade of tan - Minerva exclaimed delightedly that it matched my eyes - and the treats are brilliant. I shall share them with Sirius, perhaps it will put him in better humor. He's extremely cross with me. Can't imagine why. . .
As for jadedsirius, he's being a right git about what we discussed the other night. He knows I'm right, as I usually am, but as is his nature he has to fret and stomp around a bit, asserting his Alpha, of course (silly old twonk, thinks he's the Alpha still even after all these years). And while it's highly endearing to watch him during a temper-tantrum (his nostrils flare, and he likes to toss his hair about), I only want him to see reason and just accept what he's got to do. It's for the good of all, I believe. Otherwise, I wouldn't suggest it at all.
I'm reminded of an old adage I once heard from my Great Uncle Mulciber: "That which does not kill us makes us stronger... or at least leaves us in a comatose state so that we don't know what the hell is going on anymore, nor do we care. I should have Miss Brown embroider that upon a throw pillow, and give it to Sirius for his birthday.
But going back to Severus's thoughtful gifts, and his assertion that I have, as the poet said, gone batty. Perhaps he's right, and I'm being just a little too cheerful these days, but I don't see the harm in it. I've spent some thirty years feeling sorry for myself because I happen to mutate into a hideous, bloodthirsty creature every so often, and it hasn't really gotten me anywhere. I've quite a bit to be cheerful about, these days - I have secured gainful employment in a field that I love, my dearest companion is no longer in exile, and my coat has been looking rather shiny as of late. I see no reason to skulk about the castle -- there's enough people at Hogwarts who do that already. Ahem.
I would just like enjoy the rest of my life now, rather than mourn it.
(That said, Severus, be thankful I'm nowhere near as nauseatingly giddy as lockerygildhart. Should a mauling be in order, please, owl me. I'd be more than happy to oblige.)
Ah, and one more thing before I bring this entry to a close -- while organising my shelves this evening I discovered an old book of photographs from my school days. There's quite a few in there of the Marauders, of course, but also some of other schoolmates. There's dear old Frank Longbottom, and I imagine that shock of red hair there is a Weasley of some sort. Naturally, there's pursetblood looking about as friendly as as a Chimaera with a hangnail. And
onourbrooms was (and still is) quite the fetching creature in those days.
And there's dear James and Lily, of course.
I must remember to invite just_harry to come round, sometime; I'm sure he'd like to see these. I'm also certain that Severus would be amused by the photo of him in the rose garden during the '75 Beech Ball. I had no idea that this picture had even been taken (I suspect Lily was the culprit, the little shutterbug). I wasn't nearly as, er, lubricated as our esteemed Potions Master; as a werewolf I have an unnaturally high tolerance for alcohol. Still, I don't know how I didn't notice a camera going off.
Then again, I was rather distracted at the time.
And on that note, I bid you goodnight.
onourbrooms @ 2002-08-13 08:04 am UTC |
Why, thank you, Remus. I'll overlook 'creature', as it were.
Our Sevvie has never held his drink all that well. Was he, by any chance, exhibiting some of his famed dancing skills? Perhaps your companion's godson isn't be the only one interested in seeing such photos...
lupercus @ 2002-08-14 12:36 pm UTC |
Oh, my dear Broomswoman, 'creature' was not meant as an insult. Consider the source. Arooooo.
I'm afraid Severus was in no fit state to display his tango talent that fateful night. However, while his feet weren't exactly at their most coordinated, his hands were rather... deft. Let me tell you, it is not easy to get an extremely well-lubricated and particularly grabby potions master back to his rooms.
You're more than welcome to pop on by and have a gander at these photographs, if you like. You figure in quite a few of them; one might suspect Lily may have fancied you!
So, how about those Harpies, eh?
onourbrooms @ 2002-08-16 04:59 pm UTC |
Ah yes, I do indeed know how interesting things can turn when Severus is "well-lubricated", as you say...
Perhaps I should see those photographs. Lily Potter, fancy me? Indeed.