lupercus @ 2002-09-13 01:48:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | "The Passenger," Iggy Pop |
La la la la lala la la...
Am feeling a bit better today, despite having to sternly admonish some students for some questionable (and most appreciated) behaviour on their part. Am appalled and flattered, and considering spending more time near Slytherin house. Just to keep an eye on them, of course. Make sure they stay out of trouble.
Will also keep tabs on certain Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, as well.
However, then the house-elves served blasted vegetarian lasagne this evening, which caused me to grumble a bit and flee for my rooms to send an owl to Charlie that said, simply:
Brains, need brains. Signed, Igor.
Hopefully, he gets the joke, but more importantly, he gets the message and obliges a starving werewolf. I can't take much more of this.
Amused myself this evening by looking through old photo albums from my school days. jadedsirius,
onourbrooms, and
sinistra might be interested in what I found. Some of these pictures are highly amusing. At least, they are to me.
A very young Sirius Black. Tattoo not real. Sirius is big wuss.
Frank Longbottom, the future Mrs. Alice Longbottom, and yours truly. wheresmytoad, you are welcome to keep this photograph, if you like.
An angst-ridden potions_master. He went through this phase, you see... oh, wait. He's still going through it. I believe
sinistra took this photo. Alcohol most likely involved.
Myself as a prefect (I know, imagine that) and some 'ickle firsties'.
James potter, and coffee. Always with the coffee.purestblood in a rare moment of brevity, perhaps taken shortly after giving an unsuspecting Gryffindor a good hexing.
Lucius and a young Severus, on Hallowe'en. At least, I hope to Godric that this is Hallowe'en.
Sirius (during his "let's see just how hideous my clothes can be!" phase) and me after a rather horrifying haircut.
Slytherins at play. L to R: Crabbe, MacNair, Severus, Goyle and Malfoy.
A lovely photo of onourbrooms (standing),
scotchtartan and Lily Evans. Double double, toil and trouble, indeed.
Myself and Sirius, post-N.E.W.T.S.
Severus Snape, post-N.E.W.T.S, pre-hangover.
Hallowe'en, 1977. A little eyeliner goes a long way.
The always-enchanting Lily Evans Potter.
I may put up more photos as I come across them.
Off to prepare some last-minute notes for this infernal lecture this Sunday. Charlie arrives tomorrow night, along with a special guest whom I suspect some of you might remember.
We shall have to wait and see.
purestblood @ 2002-09-13 02:45 am UTC |
I appreciate the walk down memory lane. I commend you for your discretion in displaying said photos. Are there any that might show me in a... less than dignified manner?
lupercus @ 2002-09-13 03:55 pm UTC |
Nothing I would want impressionable young children to bear witness to.
However, I would suspect that our potions_master might have a more interesting collection of your more 'undignified' moments captured on film than I do.
onourbrooms @ 2002-09-13 03:47 am UTC |
What a charming photograph of myself, Lily, and Minerva. Thank you most kindly for sharing these, Remus.
I shall be framing it-- quite a good likeness of all three of us, really! Of course, Minerva looks peakish on her best days, so that says a lot.
Not to mention the Sevvie and Looshie do Halloween photograph... or the Severus-post-NEWTS one.
Your suspicions were quite correct, regarding the angsty-Severus picture. Alcohol most definitely involved. Also, if my memory serves me correctly, were enchanted featherdusters that sang drinking songs in very shrill voices. Severus ended up wearing a Muggle maid's uniform, once we had gotten him into a bit more alcohol. He was charming in the little frilled apron.
lupercus @ 2002-09-13 03:59 pm UTC |
I don't know, 'Sevvie' is started to seem more and more fitting.
Still have the dress?
- Remus
onourbrooms @ 2002-09-14 06:53 am UTC |
And no one is very surprised at that, Looshie.
After all-- we wrapped your present, and you unwrapped.
- X.H.
purestblood @ 2002-09-15 02:30 am UTC |
I'm surprised you remember. As I recall, there were quite a few martinis consumed that night. Did you ever finish off that huge bottle of absinthe?
(parent)lupercus @ 2002-09-13 04:09 pm UTC |
I thought you might enjoy that photograph, Xiomara. You and Lily got on famously in the old days, as I recall.
And Minerva had her moments. It is not easy, the Animagus life. It tends to take its toll on a body. If you only knew the ridiculous regimen that Sirius undertakes in order to maintain his youthful allure.
Thought so, about the alcohol. Your little tale - as well as the photographic evidence - was most enlightening, Xiomara. I'll never look at a feather duster the same way again.
Think Sinistra would like a new camera and a bottle of wine for Christmas? How about you?
onourbrooms @ 2002-09-14 06:55 am UTC |
Black always did seem like a mud-bath sort of man to me.
Remus, Remus. You know I'll never say no to a bottle or three.
la_pensee @ 2002-09-13 07:51 am UTC |
Perhaps I should visit your office hours some time, Professor. We could have tea and discuss notes on the mating behaviour of magical creatures.
lupercus @ 2002-09-13 03:57 pm UTC |
Perhaps, Miss Parkinson, but we'll just save that happy topic of conversation for the classroom.
You are more than welcome to call by for tea, however, so long as you bring your friend Millicent with you.
- Pr. Lupin
petitemillicent @ 2002-09-13 06:04 pm UTC |
I am already there.
I would hate to disappoint.
Gratifying photos, cheers.
M. B.