missgranger @ 2002-05-19 19:26:00

Current mood: content

Well, tomorrow is Monday, and more classes at last! I'm most looking forward to Transfiguration and DADA.

Transfiguration is still a difficult subject, but I continue to believe that my intense revising and hard work will pay off.

Defence Against the Dark Arts of course is always fascinating, and although it wasn't actually Moody who commented that I might make a good Auror one day, the idea was still planted. Although I'm also tempted by the idea of teaching. I think I'd be quite a good teacher.

I am a bit nonplussed by some of the recent posts, however. Ron - why are you sleeping with a book I gave you under your pillow?!


knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-19 06:01 pm UTC

I was not! Fred and George are sodding liars! It was just that one day...Fred stole my pillow, and I need something to support my head to sleep, don't I?! Oh BOTHER! They must be destroyed!

percyneedsalife @ 2002-05-19 06:08 pm UTC

F: *nudges George*

G: He's lying, of course.

F: Yeah, he was making kissing noises in his sleep.


knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-19 06:24 pm UTC

I am not lying! You are the biggest liars Hogwarts has ever seen, we don't even share the same room, how would you know what I do in my sleep?! Hermione is MY friend, she will believe me, right Hermione?


missgranger @ 2002-05-20 06:26 pm UTC

I ... er, yes Ron, of course.

pinkstarsgirlie @ 2002-05-19 06:03 pm UTC
*knowing smile*

Oh Hermione, I can give you a tarot reading if you like! ^_~

missgranger @ 2002-05-20 06:28 pm UTC
Re: *knowing smile*

Thanks but I have a book to finish.


wheresmytoad @ 2002-05-19 09:03 pm UTC

Can I get you to check my Potions homework at breakfast?

missgranger @ 2002-05-20 06:30 pm UTC
Re: Hermione!

Sure Neville - just make certain you get down to breakfast early enough.

perfectprefect @ 2002-05-20 02:13 am UTC


Hard work always pays off in the end. It is that simple.