missgranger @ 2002-08-14 22:29:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Truly unreal
Well, today was a first: I was actually glad I was not in the library! As has been well-documented in various journals, Ron and Malfoy have been at each others' throats all day. It started during Care of Magical Creatures when Malfoy said a truly heinous thing about Ginny. I honestly can't blame Ron for being upset, although I felt a bit sorry for the clabbert - I'm certain the poor thing was acting totally out of fear. But of course Malfoy took it personally, and Professor Lupin really did have to assign detention. So it seemed it was all wrapped up. But no.
After Defence Against the Dark Arts, Harry and Ron headed to do detention with Hagrid (Harry likes degnoming for some odd reason), and I headed up to the Prefect's Office to do some varying duties. Little did I know what I missed, but I soon found out.
I went down to dinner in the Great Hall to find most of the Gryffindors in an uproar. Lavender and Neville had apparently spent some time in a closet with a boggart, Harry had an extra scar, and Ron was nowhere to be found. They all gave me their versions of what had happened, but no one knew where Ron was - all Harry knew was that when Malfoy turned Harry's computer monitor into a spider, he took off hell bent for leather (Ron has a horrific fear of spiders, my poor darling). I'd hoped he'd had sense enough to go to see Madame Pomfrey, but such was not the case.
As soon as we entered the portrait hole we were yanked into the corner by Ron, mostly hidden under a blanket. He said he was too embarassed to go to the hospital wing, and could I get rid of the hexes? Well, what else could I do? Luckily the hexes were fairly basic so I was able to get rid of them all.
Then I sat Ron down and had a talk with him. I know that Malfoy makes it very difficult, but it just doesn't look good that Ron keeps getting into these matches when I'm a Prefect. Granted, Malfoy is also a Prefect, but ...he isn't acting much like a Prefect lately. It just makes it look as though I have no problem with him fighting, when that isn't true at all. Not to mention all the House points he's lost for Gryffindor, and the detentions he'll have to serve as well! Ron should really be serving a better example for the students in lower years, including his sister.
Speaking of whom, I think that perhaps Ginny should not help you to write poems anymore, Ron. I think she rather cleverly put a good joke over on you with the last one.
la_pensee @ 2002-08-14 08:13 pm UTC |
I know that Malfoy makes it very difficult, but it just doesn't look good that Ron keeps getting into these matches when I'm a Prefect. Granted, Malfoy is also a Prefect, but ...he's the Slytherin Prefect.
Hermione, I am extremely offended by your statement. You are a prefect and as that you should be setting an example, one of tolerance and impartial judgment of others. To insinuate that Draco's behaviour was expected because he is a Slytherin is completely prejudiced and unfair.
la_pensee @ 2002-08-14 08:22 pm UTC |
... he isn't acting much like a Prefect lately.
You have changed your wording, and I suppose I will thank you for that.
la_pensee @ 2002-08-14 11:32 pm UTC |
Now now, Hermione, no need to frown. Perhaps that "angry face" of yours managed to woo you Ron Weasley, but in all honesty, a smile is considered much more becoming. You should try it.
(parent)missgranger @ 2002-08-14 11:47 pm UTC |
I suppose it must be that I never have anything to smile about when you and your Slytherin pals are around, Parkinson, but thanks ever so much for your concern. I'll attempt to smile at you sometime, just to prove I can.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2002-08-14 08:22 pm UTC |
I couldn't agree more. Naturally only a Slytherin would get into a game of hexing. Never mind that it's an excellent way for practising spells and charms. Here I thought Gryffindors were supposed to be so open-minded.
And telling the Weasel he needs to act differently because you are a Prefect? Oh, now there's a nice example to set for the first years. "Tell him to change - he will!" Lord, Granger, why don't you just turn yourself into a man and have done with it?
la_pensee @ 2002-08-14 08:36 pm UTC |
Now that I think about it, Hermione is a perfect picture of impeccable behaviour and, of course, it only makes sense that she considers herself better than others. I'm not certain why I was so upset. After all she has never acted out in anger with any sort of violence, like hexing or slapping or anything so vulgar. I'm certain if we checked her records we would find she has never broken curfew or recieved detention.
(parent)petitemillicent @ 2002-08-14 08:39 pm UTC |
I am sure she does not lie either.
Certainly not this Gryffinfor Prefect.
Anyone else miss her plate-size front teeth?
potterstinks @ 2002-08-14 08:40 pm UTC |
Oh, you're absolutely correct, Pansy. I'm certain she's never threatened anyone, either. That would be wrong, and certainly not the Prefect thing to do. I am certain, also, that she would never trap, say, an insect in a jar, and not release it for a year. That would be blackmail. And we know that Prefects don't do such things. Unless, of course, they're Slytherins.
(parent)missgranger @ 2002-08-14 11:01 pm UTC |
I've never trapped anything in a jar and not released it for a year. Get your facts straight and get back to me.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2002-08-15 08:20 am UTC |
Excuse me, Granger? You seem to have forgotten what I overheard on the train in our fourth year. Surely this can be the only explanation, as the Gryffindor Prefect simply would not lie.
(parent)missgranger @ 2002-08-15 10:57 pm UTC |
I think the key here is that you overheard - in other words, you were eavesdropping, which means that you misheard the conversation. What I'd said was that I intended to release the insect in question once we got to London, but that they would have to keep their quill to themselves for a year.
If you're going to attack someone's character, it helps to get your facts correct. Nice attempt, however.
missgranger @ 2002-08-14 10:59 pm UTC |
I've never said I was perfect, but if you compare my record to Malfoy's, I should think it would be obvious who's been in more trouble.
(parent)petitemillicent @ 2002-08-14 08:38 pm UTC |
Save your breath.
She's a mudblood and she sure acts like one.
missgranger @ 2002-08-14 11:03 pm UTC |
And do you suppose you could say something that had a point? Or are you simply practising your use of foul language?
(parent)petitemillicent @ 2002-08-14 11:14 pm UTC |
I had to speak in a language you would understand.
M. B.
la_pensee @ 2002-08-14 11:30 pm UTC |
In Millicent's defense, I would argue everything that she says is straight to the point.
(parent)missgranger @ 2002-08-14 11:45 pm UTC |
I didn't realise that Bulstrode needed you to defend her, Parkinson.
And exactly why would think that foul language would be something I would understand? I don't use such words. In fact, I believe that only you and Malfoy do, Bulstrode. Parkinson seems to have better manners, at least.
la_pensee @ 2002-08-14 11:53 pm UTC |
It is not a matter of need, darling, rather it is out of friendship that I do it. I would have thought you'd understand that concept since you consider yourself to be such good friends with Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter.
petitemillicent @ 2002-08-15 11:01 am UTC |
Pansy dear, if Draco and I were sneaking out to a Quidditch match, we would definitely ask you along.
Just so you know.
missgranger @ 2002-08-14 10:56 pm UTC |
Lord, Granger, why don't you just turn yourself into a man and have done with it?
Perhaps if you ever turn yourself into a man, Malfoy, you can show me how it's done.
And what a lovely show of outdated gender roles on your part.
potterstinks @ 2002-08-15 08:22 am UTC |
Actually, you'll find that I was merely hinting at your use of domination and superiority in a relationship that was archetypal of a man, but either way comes forth as an appalling return to the 1900's. I suppose next you'll be telling the Weasel that he should stay home barefoot and pregnant while you go out and bring home the bacon? I thought only Slytherins were so power-hungry and dominating. How odd.
(parent)missgranger @ 2002-08-15 11:05 pm UTC |
What I find amazing is that you think what I said has anything to do with power. It doesn't. I'd explain it to you, but obviously being a Slytherin you can understand power. Believe whatever you'd like - you'll still be wrong.
(parent)missgranger @ 2002-08-14 11:07 pm UTC |
Oh Ron! You know I'm on yours! It's just we've lost so many House points now! I know you don't mean to get into trouble, but you really should learn to control that redheaded temper of yours!
(parent)missgranger @ 2002-08-14 11:42 pm UTC |
I know that Ron, but honestly, it would be better if you controlled yourself a bit. Do you really want to spend a week in detention? I mean, it cuts back on time we can spend together, not mention your time for homework and revising.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-14 11:59 pm UTC |
Hermione! He bloody turned Harry's computer into a frog, what the hell did you expect me to do? Smile and ask him to turn it back *please*?! Honestly! Well now I have ONE WEEK of detention with that prat, no bloody time for revision for me, POOR ME! I'm going to go hang out with Pig now, at least he nips real hard at Malfoy whenever he can!
(parent)missgranger @ 2002-08-16 08:55 pm UTC |
You said you were going to go spend time with Pig instead of me! That at least Pig would nip at Malfoy! Do you expect me to do something to Malfoy?! I'm hardly going to bite him!!
(parent) knight_to_h3 @ 2002-08-17 12:39 am UTC Re: |
No!!! That's not what I meant!
That's a bloody disgusting thought!!
sinistra @ 2002-08-15 11:26 am UTC |
Ms. Granger, while you may be suitably pleased with your position of wearing the proverbial trousers in your relationship with Mr. Weasley, please refrain from disgusting the rest of us with your smug 'Girl Power.' That will be three points from Gryffindor for my former appetite.
missgranger @ 2002-08-15 11:09 pm UTC |
I'm terribly sorry you took it that way, Professor. Apparently everyone is misinterpreting me, so perhaps no one should bother to try.
As you are mistaken, I'll expect those points returned. Thank you.
sinistra @ 2002-08-15 11:47 pm UTC |
Perhaps, then, you ought to try to keep from releasing slanderous statements into the public, if you are concerned they will actually be understood. I should think that a Prefect would want to set a better example for students than by stating that entire Houses are unquestionably rotten and mouthing off to professors. That will be another three points from Gryffindor, and I'll expect you not to make Mr. Weasley look like such a pathetic coward again. Really. Think of how that looks for him.
(parent)missgranger @ 2002-08-16 12:12 am UTC |
Excuse me, Professor...
I should think that a Prefect would want to set a better example for students than by stating that entire Houses are unquestionably rotten
Where, exactly, did I say anything of the sort?
I'll expect you not to make Mr. Weasley look like such a pathetic coward again
I don't believe I have done so in the first place. He is NOT a coward, not in the least, and I have never suggested such a thing. I only mentioned that he is setting a bad example for Gryffindor by getting into these spats, and that is true! It says nothing about him being a coward!