petitemillicent in nocturne_alley @ 2003-04-05 22:58:00 |
There is someone Spellotaped to the headboard of Pansy's bed for the night.
Do not be alarmed.
It is Draco Malfoy.
I broke off a chunk of wall and found his hiding place.
I love how he is small enough to fit into random wall cracks.
And in a gunnysack.
He also screams like a girl when slung over shoulder and bumped against every wall on the way back to the dorm.
Pansy force-fed him a bakery.
It was very funny.
Miranda Mulligan is not missing.
She is a potato and freshly peeled.
Sally-Anne Perks is leaving Hogwarts.
I tried to feel bad but her name is Sally-Anne.
I feel like chips tonight. Like chips tonight.
M. B.
arithmantra @ 2003-04-05 10:42 pm UTC |
56 points to Slytherin. I have instructed the house elves to keep the pantry open for you should you desire more pastries, ladies. Enjoy your evening.
petitemillicent @ 2003-04-05 10:53 pm UTC Re: |
We intend to let him bleed dough from his veins.
M. B.
potions_master @ 2003-04-05 10:47 pm UTC |
1 point from Slytherin.
Let that be a lesson to you, Miss Bulstrode.
Professor Snape
petitemillicent @ 2003-04-05 10:51 pm UTC Re: |
You can have some of the chips, Professor.
M. B.
potions_master @ 2003-04-05 10:57 pm UTC |
2 points to Slytherin.
Good that you've seen the error of your ways, Miss Bulstrode.
Professor Snape
petitemillicent @ 2003-04-05 11:00 pm UTC Re: |
I have.
It was the hardest lesson I have ever learnt.
M. B.
![]() boot_boy @ 2003-04-06 12:06 am UTC |
As long as he's not Spellotaped to the headboard of your bed.
Then I'd have to be jealous.
divineparvati @ 2003-04-06 12:20 am UTC |
Can I Spellotape you to the Head of my bed?
~ Parvati
petitemillicent @ 2003-04-06 01:16 am UTC Re: |
You can have my headboard.
Pansy's bed is big enough for two.
M. B.