goyle in nocturne_alley @ 2003-04-14 07:45:00 |
we haff to leev in an hower and a bit im sure professur lupin sed well haff to bee inconspikyu-us, but how can i be inconspikyu-us wen im six and a haf fut tawl? wel maybe yu gets mugls that tawl tuu but they doant luk harf tidgy in the pikters.
well its not long noaw am in grup faive i think wif erni agen and the leeder is hary potter!!!
crab - if i doant mayk it bak alaive yu can hav the rest of the choclut cukkies mam sent me
this maybee the last paost i mayk if i doant mayk it bak alaive!!!!!!!!!!!
Greg :--)