lupercus in nocturne_alley @ 2003-04-15 20:33:00 |
For infractions occuring in London on Monday:
- 10 points each from Ernie Macmillan and Gregory Goyle, for fighting.
- 10 points from Justin Finch-Fletchley for the disbandment of his group.
- 15 points from Terry Boot for possession of a controlled substance and disorderly behaviour in Muggle public.
- 25 points each from Ronald Weasley and Draco Malfoy for getting lost and not following instructions. An additional 10 points each will also be taken for fighting.
Draco, your parents have been owled by the Ministry regarding your use of magic in the Muggle world.
On a more positive note:
- 25 points to Seamus Finnigan and Harry Potter for their help in locating the missing students.
- 20 points to Hermione Granger, Dean Thomas and Kevin Entwhistle for leading their groups admirably and without much incident.
You are to report to the Great Hall tomorrow night at 7:45pm for your final lesson in Werewolves. Professor Dumbledore and Professor Black will be on hand to give you preliminary lectures as I will not be able to. The lesson will last for thirty minutes, after which you are free to return to your dormitories. I expect everyone to have their final scrolls on werewolves finished over the Easter hols, as they are due on the Wednesday after you return to school.
I will give you more information in class tomorrow morning.
- Professor Lupin