artistic_flower in nocturne_alley @ 2003-04-27 00:29:00

Current mood: curious
Current music:N*Raged - hex, hex, hex

Oh dear... I daresay I just saw Harry Potter sneaking out. He didn't see me, I don't think. He had his broom... I do wonder what's happening. There was something shining, silvery dragging behind him on the floor. I only wish I got a better look at it.



seekercho @ 2003-04-27 12:43 am UTC

OH no Padma are you SURE?

I am worried now!

- Cho

artistic_flower @ 2003-04-27 12:50 am UTC

I'm positive, Cho. Do you have any idea what's happening? I am worried as well.

seekercho @ 2003-04-27 01:14 am UTC

I don't know and I'm so confused. Professor Lupin's gone missing and so has Professor Black, and there are all sorts of noises coming out of Professor Lupin's office and I THINK i smell burnt owl feathers and now Harry's gone and it's just all out of sorts.

Where are you? In the common room? Would you mind if I came and sat with you? I think Ginny is sleeping, and I'm sort of scared.

- Cho

artistic_flower @ 2003-04-27 01:38 am UTC

Oh, of course, Cho. I don't know how much sleep I'll be able to get, so you're welcome to join me. Burnt owl feathers?


knight_to_h3 @ 2003-04-27 03:01 am UTC