divineparvati in nocturne_alley @ 2003-04-27 19:28:00

Current mood:Bemused.

Well, of all the Interesting sights I have Seen lately, this one takes The cake.

A line of Weasleys just Walked by, all stuck together With duct tape. I believe it was Mr. Weasley at the Head of the procession, with a computer Mouse attached to his chin And What seemed to be A stapler clinging to His forearm. A rather Irate looking Mrs. Weasley was at the Back of the Queue and seemed to be continually Prodding a Weasley twin in the Middle of the back. Weasley twin did not Seem very happy About this.

I do Believe they were Headed in the direction of the Hospital wing. No doubt Mr. Weasley is clued in about those Ghastly attachments and is seeking to remove them Post haste.

Lav, my backside Doesn't look too Big, does it? I'm frightfully Worried about this Skirt.


pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-04-27 05:35 pm UTC

...did you put on weight again, Parvie?? T_T


divineparvati @ 2003-04-27 05:43 pm UTC

Lav, I cannot handle This. It is Diet time, with a Capital d.

~ Parvati

pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-04-27 05:47 pm UTC

Oh I think so too!!! Tea leaves say to eat one meal today but I'm thinking half........ :( What does yours say??? :/


divineparvati @ 2003-04-27 05:52 pm UTC

Mine said Dried apricots for 27 hours Straight!

~ Parvati

pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-04-27 05:54 pm UTC

Make that 30 hours??? I think you need it... no offence! ^_^


divineparvati @ 2003-04-27 06:05 pm UTC

You are So right. What was I thinking, Only 27? Shame on Me!

~ Parvati

artistic_flower @ 2003-04-27 05:50 pm UTC

Honestly, you two! You're both perfect, and I won't listen to you carry on about weight.

But, um, Parvati... that skirt. I just don't know.

divineparvati @ 2003-04-27 05:56 pm UTC

I Knew it! I am Not eating for 4 days.

artistic_flower @ 2003-04-27 05:59 pm UTC

... I was just going to say that purple is really not your color. Honest.

divineparvati @ 2003-04-27 06:09 pm UTC

If Purple is not My colour, it is not your Colour either! HMPH!

artistic_flower @ 2003-04-27 06:43 pm UTC

HMPH to you, too! You're the one who told me to wear more purple to begin with. I really like you in red.


divineparvati @ 2003-04-27 06:54 pm UTC

Oh, sister! You Look breathtaking in this Season's blue!
