la_pensee in nocturne_alley @ 2003-05-10 15:28:00 |
I must say I am definitely looking forward to today's wedding. My mother is planning to attend, and though I am apprehensive about it I think we can put aside any minor squabbles to enjoy the wedding. Afterwards she is taking me to the Gasping Gargoyle in Hogsmeade, so unfortunately I will likely miss most of the reception. I am hoping that I will be able to stay long enough to have a dance with Harry Potter, as he has delightfully agreed to save one for me.
Mother and I looked into purchasing the cake server that Professor Lupin was so interested in, but traditionally at weddings Mother likes to give centrepieces. I myself spent last evening baking a variety of desserts for the reception. Knowing that Professor Black is a vegetarian, I also baked a vegetarian casserole, which I think turned out wonderfully if I do say so myself.
Millicent and Draco aren't going to the wedding, and I fear I will be lonesome with only my mother for company. It is not that I don't enjoy spending time with her, but she has already asked why Draco is not going to be my date for the wedding. I tried to explain that Draco simply does not wish to go, but she seems to think that I should force him to do so. I hope she will realise that Draco and I simply don't force each other to do anything. Our relationship would not be so healthy if we made outlandish demands of each other.