wheresmytoad in nocturne_alley @ 2003-05-12 06:27:00 |
Current mood: | miserable and humiliated |
i don't remember much of what happened
but i'm afraid i remember enough
lavender, i'm sorry
hermione, i'm so very, very sorry
professors lupin and black, i'm so sorry i made such a scene at your wedding reception
professor snape
i . . .
i . . . just . . .
. . .
(i just want the ground to open up and swallow me)
potions_master @ 2003-05-12 12:22 pm UTC |
Your outbursts were to be expected. It is often the way of a truly diabolical mind to attempt plausible deniability when exposed for what he truly is. To be certain they are precisely the opposite, instead a display of your true potential for terror. Do not waste your time or energy. I will not be fooled again.
You have curriculum waiting in my office that I suggest you retrieve at your earliest convenience. And do not think I have not noticed your activity in my private stores, though I am not surprised. The first rule of the Dark Wizard is to eliminate competition, and rearranging my ingredients is one way to put a Potions Master out of commission. You may wonder how I know this, and it is simple: you switched the phials of milkwort and wormgrass during your last detention, causing the potion I slipped to Lupin to malfunction. It took several days to unravel your accomplishment but indeed I managed it, so your most recent attempt at "cleaning" my office did not go unnoticed.
Clever, but not clever enough, Longbottom. I am watching you.
Professor Snape