arithmantra in nocturne_alley @ 2003-05-12 20:27:00

Current mood:frazzled
Current music:The Monks of Nomberg Alley

Well, I suppose on the whole the wedding could have been much, much worse. I received excellent beauty tips from Narcissa on Avada couture's new line of squid ink skin potions. Also, it appears that when utterly drunk on Veritaserum Mr. Malfoy likewise is extremely knowledgeable about coiffure-dressing.

Remus and Sirius looked absolutely euphoric throughout the ceremonies, and surprisingly enough most of the rest of us managed to look as if we were enjoying ourselves also.

As for what happened next, well. Nothing is quite as surreal as sitting in a gazebo listening to Lucius Malfoy babble on to you about hair care products.

Suffice it to say I am never going near punch again.

After two weeks of nothing but mutual silence throughout our detentions together, I am sure you will be relieved to hear, Narcissa, that by contrast your son has appeared quite... quite pleasantly apathetic during his last two detentions with me. Although he missed Friday's altogether, he showed up right on time on Saturday whistling that dreadful Volga boat tune, which I almost pointed out to him was a song about Muggle workmen, until I decided that it would be a shame to ruin the first good mood he had been in for ages. He then proceeded to frown in superior fashion and skulk to the corner, where he neatly organized my entire shelf of the collected works of Nimbulo Cormack's Der Zarevitstch studies on Arithmancian personality types, while singing "Draco Malfoy" the entire time. After about fifteen minutes I had had enough and left the room.

Today, more of the same, as we walked the grounds looking for rogue castle lawn gnomes. I believe his rendition of the song did more to scare them away than any of the actual gnome-spinning. Consequently my head hurts, and I cannot get the last gnome's look of paralysed horror out of my eyes as Mr. Malfoy approached him singing.

I do believe my detentions may have served their purpose and will be ending soon.

For all fifth through seventh-years: your end-of-year Arithmancy project topics will be handed out in class on Wednesday. If you are smart, you will read through your assigned chapters tonight and tomorrow in advance, as they will directly relate to your final project.


blondenarcissa @ 2003-05-12 07:10 pm UTC


I am so very relieved that Draco seems to have become more light at heart during his detentions with you. I am perplexed, however, as to why he missed his appointment with you on Friday. Did he offer an explanation as to why?

Narcissa Peltier Malfoy