purestblood in nocturne_alley @ 2003-05-16 20:55:00

Current mood:enraged

An owl for Draco Malfoy

While I am gratified that you found the time to cavort about with Mr. Potter at Dogear Wryde, I am most displeased that you could not find time to at least say hello to your own mother. I can only assume that Mr. Potter is far higher on your list of priorities than your own family. If this is the case, please be so kind as to let me know, as there are arrangements I must make should this be so.

Your Father


potterstinks @ 2003-05-16 08:02 pm UTC


You must have missed that I spent a great deal of time looking for Mother last night, only to discover that she was with Professor Vector. I had no idea Mother was even at Dogear Wryde the first night I was there. I assumed she had gone home. I've just met with her this evening, long before receiving this.


purestblood @ 2003-05-16 08:27 pm UTC


Your mother quite clearly stated in her journal that she was at the guest house at Dogear Wryde. Your ignorance of her whereabouts only lends credence to my concerns.

Your mother has been trying to communicate with you for weeks, only to be met with rebuffs. I do not know what your problem is, nor do I care. You will cease this disrespectful behavior. Or do I surmise that Mr. Potter is the only person that you've deemed worthy of respect? If that is indeed the situtation, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Lucius Malfoy

potterstinks @ 2003-05-16 08:33 pm UTC


It would seem that one doesn't always have the proper time to read journals at length. This would also explain why you didn't realise Mother and I had already planned to meet this evening far earlier in the day.

I have already spoken to Mother, and we parted on quite amicable terms, so telling me to cease and desist at this point is unnecessary, and I would hate to waste your time. I don't respect Potter. I have a project to work on with Potter. You've told me in the past to put aside petty difference to ensure that I wouldn't fail when partnered with Potter. I can assure you I certainly don't intend to fail, nor do I intend on working with Potter ever again.


purestblood @ 2003-05-16 08:50 pm UTC


You are correct in your assessment of the situation. I had penned the owl this morning, but did not send it until this evening, when I got home from work. I did not read the comments to your post, this is true. I was unaware of your plans with your mother. This, I confess, is a failing on my part. I was preoccupied with a special project I'm working on for a close friend.

I am sure that you will not fail, however. You always come out on top.

Your Father

potterstinks @ 2003-05-16 08:52 pm UTC


I will endeavour to complete the project without Potter's assistance from here on out.


scotchtartan @ 2003-05-17 02:56 am UTC

I hope, Mr Malfoy, that you are not attempting to prevent two of my pupils from completing a step in their education. This is a project that each of the sixth years must finish before mastering their Astronomy course for the term. It has been so each year for as long as Professor Sinistra has taught at Hogwarts. Your son is fortunate enough that it is taking place while the comet Hale-Bopp is in orbit. It is well-known that our own observatory is lacking in adequate furnishings for an entire form to use at once. It is, in fact, for this reason that many of Professor Sinistra's projects are assigned to be completed outside of the classroom structure; there is simply not the room to allow for the entire sixth form to use the observatory at the same time. Now, if you'd like to suggest we build another, larger observatory to compensate for your own wish that your son not go gallavanting around with Potter to complete his schoolwork, by all means, do suggest.

Professor M McGonagall

purestblood @ 2003-05-17 01:20 pm UTC


I certainly do not wish to interfere in Draco's plans. I do not want him to discontinue the assignment as required. I was merely pointing out the fact that Draco in the proximity of his mother, and did not make any effort to see her. This has caused her undue distress and I cannot see that Draco's behavior towards her is warranted.

However, your comments do bring up an excellent point. I was unaware that the observatory was less than optimal for educational purposes. I'd like to meet with you and discuss some ways to rectify that situation.

Lucius Malfoy

scotchtartan @ 2003-05-18 06:03 am UTC

That would be fine, Mr Malfoy. I do have a spare hour this Thursday between 1630 and 1730.

Professor M McGonagall
