deanthomas in nocturne_alley @ 2003-06-05 22:46:00

Current mood: amused

First off, I would like to congratulate Boot on his photographic skills.

I don't know how you do it, mate. Priceless. :)

Boot? Do you remember what happened last night? Like at all? Appriciate the early birthday present and all, but I think I had a few too many SoCo Screwts....


boot_boy @ 2003-06-05 09:08 pm UTC

I was in the right place at the right time. Fortunately I was lucky enough to catch Malfoy in the throes of excitement over his tea party with Finnigan.

I really do think he needs to start dying his eyebrows again.

deanthomas @ 2003-06-05 09:14 pm UTC

Yes. Eyebrows hideous. And you know...a few drops of SpotsBGone wouldn't hurt...

Poor Malfoy. He looks like I felt this morning. What I get for sleeping in my clothes, eh? Woke up under the stairs and went right to class.

But seriously, Boot. What happened last night, eh? It's really fuzzy...I mean, you gave me that bottle of SoCo....and then there was a lot of drawing....I think...tho I'm not sure what on, since my sketchbooks were in the dorm....

boot_boy @ 2003-06-05 09:18 pm UTC

It's not just the spots, it's the expression. He looks like a retarded halibut who's extremely excited over spotting another halibut in the distance.

I take it you haven't looked at yourself naked in the mirror yet today, Dean?

deanthomas @ 2003-06-05 09:20 pm UTC

What, and you have?

I mean...I woke up under the third flood staircase like ten minutes before class....I grabbed my stuff and went...I've just been dirty and rumpled all day.


Why? :|

boot_boy @ 2003-06-05 09:21 pm UTC

What, and you have?

Of course I have. I feel it is good for me to start off every morning by gazing upon a work of Art.

Besides, I've been checking to see how long it takes the scars Millicent left on my back to fade.

I suggest you find a quiet place and strip off, Dean.

deanthomas @ 2003-06-05 09:22 pm UTC


oh, bloody hell.

hang on a sec....

boot_boy @ 2003-06-05 09:24 pm UTC


deanthomas @ 2003-06-05 09:27 pm UTC




before it got smudged beyond recognition, what exactly was that large black thing on my stomach? And precisely how did it get there?

boot_boy @ 2003-06-05 09:30 pm UTC

It was my artistic interpretation of your boyfriend and Malfoy snogging on a teapot.

Hey, you asked. What, you don't remember lending me your black paintbrush?

deanthomas @ 2003-06-05 09:33 pm UTC

No more than I remember being shirtless in the school corridors....


Wait, did I draw something on YOU? Where?!

boot_boy @ 2003-06-05 09:35 pm UTC

I'm sort of hurt that you don't remember, actually.

And yes, you did draw on me.

deanthomas @ 2003-06-05 09:37 pm UTC

Where? on your arm? Or your leg? Or something equally innocent and unlikely to upset my boyfriend who is no doubt going to kill me otherwise?


Hold on, I don't remember having a freckle there...

boot_boy @ 2003-06-05 09:39 pm UTC

Yeah, because he was so upset when you were gone all night and so upset when you didn't come back in the morning. And where is he now? Probably off with Malfoy. You know, you're my one friend here Dean, the one guy who has always stuck by me, even though I dropped a Xerox machine on your head. I just hate seeing him treat you like this.

Come down to the lab, I'll show you where you drew on me.

deanthomas @ 2003-06-05 09:42 pm UTC

All right....I'm here.....happy? Now, care to explain why there are mysterious black speckles all over my muchtooupper thighs? (and might I point out that having to check oneself for said speckles in a public computer lab is not my idea of a good time.)

And Shay isn't doing anything with Malfoy. They're just...playing house....or something...

now come here so I can check you for art.

boot_boy @ 2003-06-05 09:44 pm UTC

Sure, they're not doing anything. Don't you remember what you said to me last night about all this? Here, have some Firewhiskey, it'll jog your memory. I've got most of a bottle left...

deanthomas @ 2003-06-05 09:47 pm UTC

geh, that stuff burns... X_X

ok. so there's a really huge dragon thing on your back. thassnot so bad, right? a guy can draw on another guy's back if he likes. no big deal. eh? right?

and no I don't remember what I said last night. i hardly remember remembering....that yer very very ticklish...and that you giggle like a girl.

boot_boy @ 2003-06-05 09:50 pm UTC

I do not giggle like a girl...or at least the only girl I have heard giggle lately is Millicent and she sounds like a bassoon exploding...Millicent, my love! The pain, the -

- Give me that bottle, Dean.

Sure, if a guy can have paper doll tea parties with another guy, then another guy can draw on another guy's back. Hey, check THIS one out....

deanthomas @ 2003-06-05 09:54 pm UTC

holy that a butterfly or a volkswagon? and what what I doing down THERE....I

geh, yer pasty. you should get some sun.

yuo know, our skintones countrast very nicely. in a puyrely artistic sense. very detatched.



fucking malfoy

boot_boy @ 2003-06-05 09:55 pm UTC

of course I'm pasty, I'm a goth, you eejit.

fucking malfoy indeed. all coming back to you now?

boot_boy @ 2003-06-05 09:57 pm UTC

and gimme that bottle. and gerrof my leg, it's ticklish.

deanthomas @ 2003-06-05 10:03 pm UTC

whiskey helping. remembering something about shay suggesting I use malfoy (!!!!!!!!!!!) as a model. fucking malfoy. smarmy git. sliming all over my fucking boyfriend. fucking teaparty-throwing, doll-making fucking fuck.

am rememebering a portrait of millicent somewhere on your person. mus find it.

and I'll get off yur leg when the room stops moving.

boot_boy @ 2003-06-05 10:11 pm UTC

as an art model? fucker, I've been offering to be an art model for ages and he always said he didn't want other boys taking their clothes off in front of you but I guess it's different when it's MALFOY.

that sleaze. fucking back-stabbing, hair-gel-addicted, puce-wearing motherfucker.

deanthomas @ 2003-06-05 10:16 pm UTC

shay thinks your just tryign to get into my pants.






need more whiskey

I am still not remembering most of last night. withholding information wil get you nowere

boot_boy @ 2003-06-05 10:19 pm UTC

i am not remembering much of right now. seamus just trying to throw the blame on you. don't let him! STAND TALL! except don't stand up right now because i think I might sick up if you do it too fast. thats not a vampire bat, is butterfy. buerfly. ah, fuckit.

besides, am in love with milocnet. MILLIEEEE

deanthomas @ 2003-06-05 10:25 pm UTC

youarenot, you have nto loved her since she started chasing you around. you only want the unattainabablelelnal...

like meeeeeeee

am locking door fuckig nevillell walk in with my fucking luck. or colin. or shay. but OHWAIT. he is off with malfoy

drink make typing hard, but musnot stop. records must be kept. othewise you will lie.

potterstinks @ 2003-06-05 10:26 pm UTC

Attention, Moron:

Finnigan is a Halfblood.

Pansy is a Pureblood.

I am a Malfoy.

I rather think that says quite enough.

deanthomas @ 2003-06-05 10:27 pm UTC



boot_boy @ 2003-06-05 10:29 pm UTC


Except, techinically, it's not your journal Dean, is community journal post.

deanthomas @ 2003-06-05 10:31 pm UTC

why do you assault me with tecnnicalities!!!!


boot_boy @ 2003-06-05 10:33 pm UTC

You mean WE are busy.

deanthomas @ 2003-06-05 10:37 pm UTC

yeh. WE are busy. TERRY and DEAN are BUSY.

doing stuff

boot cmere

boot_boy @ 2003-06-05 10:38 pm UTC

um....for what?

deanthomas @ 2003-06-05 10:40 pm UTC



stop wriggling...

boot_boy @ 2003-06-05 10:42 pm UTC

well, if you put it like that.

outta my way, Malfoy.

deanthomas @ 2003-06-05 10:45 pm UTC


what about milli?

boot_boy @ 2003-06-05 10:51 pm UTC

she does not love me.


deanthomas @ 2003-06-05 10:53 pm UTC



boot_boy @ 2003-06-05 10:55 pm UTC


deanthomas @ 2003-06-05 10:56 pm UTC


potterstinks @ 2003-06-05 10:30 pm UTC

Attention, Moron:

You put me in your journal first.

boot_boy @ 2003-06-05 10:31 pm UTC

What is with you and stalking us in the computer lab, Malfoy?

potterstinks @ 2003-06-05 10:35 pm UTC

As much as I'd be thrilled to watch you and Thomas become inebriated over a series of journal comments, I am not a member of the riff-raff society and will now be going. Please, vomit amongst yourselves.

boot_boy @ 2003-06-05 10:38 pm UTC

You seem to still be here.

petitemillicent @ 2003-06-06 07:26 am UTC

Is that a problem, Boot.

M. B.

boot_boy @ 2003-06-06 09:43 am UTC

Millicent! Oh God, Millie, do you forgive me?

petitemillicent @ 2003-06-06 10:04 am UTC

For what, exactly.

M. B.

boot_boy @ 2003-06-06 10:10 am UTC

My memories of last night are hazy. I fear that at some point during the long, sticky, groping evening I may have doubted my love for you.

Never again!

petitemillicent @ 2003-06-06 10:15 am UTC

I am so jealous I can hardly speak.

M. B.

boot_boy @ 2003-06-06 10:23 am UTC

Let me make it up to you.

petitemillicent @ 2003-06-06 10:28 am UTC

If you must.

How does 25th April, 4006 work for you?

M. B.

boot_boy @ 2003-06-06 12:55 pm UTC

I'll do anything. ANYTHING.

petitemillicent @ 2003-06-06 01:00 pm UTC

Silk Souffles.

M. B.

deanthomas @ 2003-06-05 10:32 pm UTC



potterstinks @ 2003-06-05 10:36 pm UTC

Oh, sorry. Was I impolite?

blondenarcissa @ 2003-06-06 03:55 am UTC

Dear Mr. Thomas,

Kindly remove this obviously mediwizarded image of my son. No Malfoy would ever wear an expression such as that and I do not appreciate one going to such ridiculous lengths in an attempt to embarrass my child.

Narcissa Peltier Malfoy

seamus_f @ 2003-06-06 04:34 am UTC



Now, would you object to never seeing each other again? I think that would be best.

deanthomas @ 2003-06-06 06:07 am UTC

shit, what time is it...</a>


oh, fuck

shay...shay, wait...

seamus_f @ 2003-06-06 06:14 am UTC

No. Leave me alone. I think I've been really really understanding, maybe TOO understanding, for a really long time. But I see I was just a fool. Boot has gotten you into all sorts of nonsense, and I was always here. I make one friend--ONE FRIEND--and this is what happens?

Go off with Boot. It's clearly what you want. I'm sorry I stood in your way.

deanthomas @ 2003-06-06 09:15 am UTC

Shay, it's not's not like I don't want you to have any friends....

it's just...MALFOY, I mean...


fucking fuck
