potions_master in nocturne_alley @ 2002-05-28 03:23:00

Current mood:annoyed

Mr Potter,

I do believe that the Headmaster as well as Professor McGonagall forbid the attendance of this quidditch match of which you speak. This is a rather serious infraction of rules. I must point out that the same rules apply to celebrities as they do to everyone else.

Normally, for something of this nature, it is enough to say that you have deeply disappointed Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall. However, I feel in this case that this is not enough for you to truly appreciate the trust you have broken. So, with approval from your Head of House and the Headmaster, I will deduct fifteen points for you and Mr Weasley and you will serve two detentions with Professor Trelawney.

If you must disobey orders, rule one is that you don't talk about the crime afterwards. Not even in your personal journal. You can thank Mr Weasley for that.

And finally to Mr Malfoy: It is my understanding that you were in attendance for this quidditch match. Surely you were able to spot Mr Potter and Mr Weasley, yet you have not come forward with any information. You will report to my office after classes on Tuesday and give me an explanation for this.

-Professor Snape


knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-28 01:58 am UTC

What?! Thank me?! What did I do?! Harry and I were NOT at the match!

petitemillicent @ 2002-05-28 02:01 am UTC

It is not my usual practice to reply to comments.


It is with much pleasure on my part to point out that the Quidditch match details were never published in the Daily Prophet.

Therefore, you are busted.

Enjoy your detention.

knight_to_h3 @ 2002-05-28 02:01 am UTC


potions_master @ 2002-05-28 02:08 am UTC

Mr. Weasley,

It seems as though two detentions and fifteen points from Gryffindor would teach you to hold your tongue. I see that this is the case. Perhaps two more detentions will teach you to practice a little care before you try to lie to a teacher.

Thinking back, I may have been rash in assigning your detentions to be served with Professor Trelawney, therefore you and Mr. Potter will serve these detentions with Mr. Filch. You will report to him Wednesday after supper.

-Professor Snape

pe_eee_ee_eeves @ 2002-05-28 02:05 am UTC

Uh oh! Looks like you three is in trouble with the Snapester! Ho ho ho! D'you think Trelawney will make you shine her balls?

goyle @ 2002-05-28 10:47 pm UTC

i dont think they wer ther i cudnt smel them