lupercus in nocturne_alley @ 2003-06-29 18:28:00

Current mood:numb

Harry's got to go back to the Muggles for the holidays.

Sirius, I am going to be in my office if you need me. The door will be locked. You know the password.

Everybody else should stay the hell away.


knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-29 06:40 pm UTC

Yeah, Harry told me about it last night, is there anything you can do about it, Professor?

lupercus @ 2003-06-29 06:50 pm UTC

Not one damn thing, because it's for his own safety and that's all any of us want.

Ron, sorry about yesterday. I'm fairly out of sorts anymore, best avoided at all times.

Go cheer Harry up if you can. You're very good at it.

See you next term.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-29 06:53 pm UTC

We can't just leave him there! They hate him! He hates them!!

lupercus @ 2003-06-29 06:57 pm UTC

I know, Ron. Believe me, I know.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-29 07:01 pm UTC

Can Sirius do anything? Can we all speak to Professor Dumbledore? There has got to be something we can do!

lupercus @ 2003-06-29 07:15 pm UTC

Ron, there's some things about this you don't know about, so really, I think you should just let it go. it's done already, there's nothing we can do that I haven't already tried, and Sirius as well.

Dumbledore's right, and Harry has to go home.

It's only for two months anyway. It's only two months.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-29 07:17 pm UTC

Can't we at least go give the Muggles a good scare so they'll leave Harry alone??

lupercus @ 2003-06-29 07:19 pm UTC

Ron, that is an outstanding idea.

I'm going to go send off a few owls to some friends who I think would be very interested in having a chat with the Dursleys about Harry's treatment.

Fifty points to Gryffindor, Mr Weasley.

- Remus

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-29 07:21 pm UTC


Thanks, Professor! Knew I could count on you!

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-29 07:24 pm UTC

Actually if we're planning on giving a good scare, my mum's a good choice you know

lupercus @ 2003-06-29 07:26 pm UTC

Good lord, yes. Be a dear and ask her to owl me, would you?

Your brothers, as well. I'll speak with your father, he's just outside the door now.

Cheers, Ron.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-29 07:27 pm UTC


Hi dad!!!

wehaveseven @ 2003-06-29 07:47 pm UTC

Top job, Ronald, knew you'd help out.

Are you blooming well packed yet?? We'd best leave it until tomorrow morning, I suppose.

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-29 07:50 pm UTC

I'm about half-packed, I'm packing Gin's as well but she's got lots of girly things so she might have to sort those out herself.. I'll finish packing after I'm done talking to Malfoy!

wehaveseven @ 2003-06-29 07:29 pm UTC

That's my boy!

Love mummy

knight_to_h3 @ 2003-06-29 07:31 pm UTC

Go mum!! Show them!

wehaveseven @ 2003-06-29 07:09 pm UTC

Remus, I'm still around the grounds until the kids are finished packing, if you want to talk, or just have a cuppa.


lupercus @ 2003-06-29 07:18 pm UTC


...that would be lovely. Come on up, I'll leave the door open for you.


- Remus

jadedsirius @ 2003-06-29 08:29 pm UTC

You're fucking kidding.

On my way.

After I have a word with Dumbledore.