blushcrush in nocturne_alley @ 2003-09-06 18:52:00

Current mood: determined

A question:
When are Quidditch try-outs?


onourbrooms @ 2003-09-06 07:36 pm UTC

Ask your team's captain.

You're quite little and aerodynamic-- you'll make a good fast flier.

blushcrush @ 2003-09-07 08:27 pm UTC

Cheers, Madam Hooch! I hope so! Could you please take a look at my broom sometime so I can make sure it's fit for try-outs My brother put all sorts of adjustments on it, and I just want to be certain.

susanbones @ 2003-09-06 07:52 pm UTC

are you going to try out?

blushcrush @ 2003-09-07 08:28 pm UTC

Yes, I am! For Chaser!

seekercho @ 2003-09-06 08:17 pm UTC


You would be so good at it!

blushcrush @ 2003-09-07 08:30 pm UTC

Oh!!! Could you come for the first match of the year?? Even if I don't make it? Do you think you could?


seekercho @ 2003-09-07 09:09 pm UTC

I could try! When is it? I will ask Charlie.

Ugh I need a bath. Am covered in dragon dung. Don't even ASK because yuck. I smell so lovely right now, like roses you know!

I miss you so much.

blushcrush @ 2003-09-07 11:01 pm UTC

I'm not sure, but it's probably around the first of November. That's not for a while, is it.

You dirty girl!! I'll send you some rose-scented bubble bath! I hope you and Charlie are taking care of each other.

seekercho @ 2003-09-08 12:02 pm UTC

1 November okay. I will ask and see what they say.

Rose bubble bath would be BRILLIANT. All we have here is this weird soap that smells a bit like lemons and it makes the smell of dragon go away, but it isn't very nice.

Charlie is wonderful. He is so much fun to talk to and it's nice to hav a friend. His partner doesn't like me much. Charlie says it's because she thinks I will steal him from her. He keeps telling her that he doesn't much like girls and she says it's just a phase. It would be funny if she weren't SERIOUS!!!

Anyway he looks out for me and I am looking out for him. Your mum sent us some biscuits the other day and we took turns eating them and chucking them at Norbert. Tell Hagrid that Norbie says hullo or he would if he weren't limited to just saying GRRRAAAAAAAAARGH all the time.

I'm going to go ask about November now! Talk to you later princess!

turpinol @ 2003-09-06 11:45 pm UTC

Whenever Evan schedules them, I suppose. Ravenclaw's are 20 September, if you'd like to join our team instead.

blushcrush @ 2003-09-07 08:28 pm UTC

I'll take a pass on that, but thanks for the invitation anyhow!

turpinol @ 2003-09-07 10:24 pm UTC

Well I'm not actually on the team, so my invitation is really meaningless. I'm sure I can be persuasive, however.


blushcrush @ 2003-09-07 11:02 pm UTC

Ravenclaws are like that, I've learnt!

wheresmytoad @ 2003-09-07 06:21 pm UTC

You're going to try out? Brilliant! What position?

blushcrush @ 2003-09-07 08:33 pm UTC

Yeah, I reckon I will! I won't get my hopes up too much, though, but I'm going to try out for Chaser. By the way, Neville, I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling grouchy. If you'd like to talk or anything, let me know!

wehaveseven @ 2003-09-10 06:56 am UTC