missgranger in nocturne_alley @ 2003-09-19 19:57:00

Current mood: surprised

I'm honestly rather startled anyone remembered my birthday at all, let alone Ron. My sincere thanks to everyone who has wished me a happy day. Because of you, it has been.


lupercus @ 2003-09-19 06:57 pm UTC

Many happy returns, Hermione.

missgranger @ 2003-09-19 08:25 pm UTC

Thank you very much, Professor!

perfectprefect @ 2003-09-19 10:20 pm UTC

Happy birthday, Hermione!


missgranger @ 2003-09-19 10:21 pm UTC

Thank you, Percy! I hope you're well.

percyneedsalife @ 2003-09-20 10:55 am UTC

Oh no. Never ask Percy if he's WELL. You're going to regret that.

perfectprefect @ 2003-09-21 11:47 am UTC

I am quite well. Recently I have been researching the illegal acts of flying carpets in the past eleven years. Did you know that Cyril Vickery of the Tutshill Tornadoes was caught with a flying carpet in 1989? It would appear that there was a great political scandal involved with keeping him within the League. Absolutely fascinating.

percyneedsalife @ 2003-09-20 10:54 am UTC

Birthday! Oi! We have sweets for you. Sugar free, I promise. You can count on me, Hermione.

missgranger @ 2003-09-20 04:32 pm UTC

I know I can, Fred, which is why I'm entirely reluctant to accept sweets from you.

wheresmytoad @ 2003-09-20 08:32 pm UTC

Happy birthday, Hermione!