potions_master in nocturne_alley @ 2003-10-11 15:50:00

Current mood:irate

Where in blazes are you? I have better things to do than wait for you for all the day.

Get down here immediately or I am leaving without you.



lupercus @ 2003-10-11 03:53 pm UTC

Sorry Severus. I'm running a bit behind this morning. The moon set a little later than usual. Also, I had to stop by the library to speak to Irma about something, and I was detained by Minerva in the hall.

Where shall I meet you?

potions_master @ 2003-10-11 03:54 pm UTC

I am not interested in your excuses. What did Minerva want now?

You shall find me near the staircase, contemplating your demise.

lupercus @ 2003-10-11 03:55 pm UTC

She just wanted to know if I'd seen Harry, and where was I off to in such a hurry?

So you'll be wearing your usual expression then?

potions_master @ 2003-10-11 03:56 pm UTC

You are not funny. What did you tell her?

Would you hurry up? I would like to leave before I am too old to walk unassisted.

lupercus @ 2003-10-11 03:59 pm UTC

I told her that he was in fact in the library, and that you were taking me to Hogsmeade today.

Was that a hint for me to carry you? My back's not what it used to be I'm afraid, and I'd wager you're heavier than you look.

potions_master @ 2003-10-11 04:00 pm UTC

Wonderful. Just bloody perfect.

Just for that I ought to make you carry me. And I will be certain to Transfigure my robes into lead for the occasion.

lupercus @ 2003-10-11 04:02 pm UTC

Would you have preferred I tell her that Harry had been sold to the gypsies and that you and I were running off to join the Bavarian Circus? I am nothing if not honest, Severus.

And if you make me carry you I will honestly chuck you into the Lake and you can have a date with the Squid, instead.

potions_master @ 2003-10-11 04:03 pm UTC

Shut up and get down here, you idiot.

lupercus @ 2003-10-11 04:04 pm UTC

Yes, sir. Right away, sir.

pinkstarsgirlie @ 2003-10-11 05:21 pm UTC

S.S.? T_T