sibyllsays in nocturne_alley @ 2003-12-25 13:09:00

Current mood:all-seeing
Current music:snoring

I Foresee that you shall ALL have nearly as merry a Christmas as I am!!!

And while there shall be Death and Destruction in the New Year, it shall not dampen our spirits quite yet!!!!


onourbrooms @ 2003-12-26 05:10 am UTC

I do not snore.

Also, I do not think we should have found it quite so amusing when Poppy attempted to offer us chocolates. But it is still funny.

sibyllsays @ 2003-12-26 09:40 am UTC

You do so snore!

But it is indeed MOST funny. Although I am quite sure we can find a use for Poppy's chocolates?

just_harry @ 2003-12-27 02:31 pm UTC

Thanks alot, Professor.