finch_fletchley in nocturne_alley @ 2004-01-19 07:58:00

Current mood: nervous

What the hell is on my plate? Did this get in the food? Is it poisonous? Wait, did anyone get this besides Hufflepuffs?!


just_harry @ 2004-01-19 10:10 am UTC

Yeah. I think it was on everyone's. I don't think it's poisonous, though. It looked like it was in the plate, like a design or something.

potterstinks @ 2004-01-20 07:11 am UTC

It did, didn't it?

erniemacmillan @ 2004-01-19 10:14 am UTC

More important! Do you reckon it's true?

finch_fletchley @ 2004-01-19 10:29 am UTC

Do you believe everything you read?

erniemacmillan @ 2004-01-19 10:30 am UTC

I can't believe you asked me that.

finch_fletchley @ 2004-01-19 10:32 am UTC

Well, you asked me if it was true. Like I know her or something. It is a her, right?

erniemacmillan @ 2004-01-19 10:35 am UTC

I asked if you reckoned it was true! You don't have to know her to reckon. Of course she's a her, you sit next to her in History of Magic, man. I think. I dunno, she's Slytherin.

finch_fletchley @ 2004-01-19 10:37 am UTC

Well, now I reckon it's true, because why would someone be passing that around if it wasn't? Is she the one who drooled on me that one time?

erniemacmillan @ 2004-01-19 10:48 am UTC

She's the one always checking herself in the mirror so I think so. But what I want to know is how they knew. It's not something you'd go telling people, now is it?

finch_fletchley @ 2004-01-19 10:50 am UTC

Not at all.

deanthomas @ 2004-01-19 10:19 am UTC

Eww. Definitely I feel justified in my disdain for Qudditch.

just_harry @ 2004-01-19 10:27 am UTC

Hey! She doesn't even play Quidditch, or she's not on a team anyway.

deanthomas @ 2004-01-19 03:06 pm UTC

Yeah, but aren't you GLAD that she doesn't, considering?

finch_fletchley @ 2004-01-19 10:30 am UTC

Did your food taste different to you?

deanthomas @ 2004-01-19 03:07 pm UTC

No. But I've had a bit of a head cold and my taste is all off. Why, did the food taste different? Was it BAD? Did I miss something?
