jadedsirius in nocturne_alley @ 2004-02-09 08:01:00

Attention Severus Snape
Your horrible little cat woke me at five this morning meowing and HAS NOT STOPPED SINCE. I don't know how she got here, but she refuses to leave, and every time I try to leave, she tries to follow me.

Please come and get her immediately.

EDIT: Oh, never mind, damn it. What does she eat? I'll consider feeding her.


crabbe @ 2004-02-09 06:26 am UTC


jadedsirius @ 2004-02-09 06:45 am UTC

Er, hello. Am I your good deed for the day, or are you just feeling chuffed?

lupercus @ 2004-02-09 01:36 pm UTC

How interesting, that you have Lilitou. She eats Nifflers, and Puffskeins, and anything else cute and furry.

Incidentally, have you seen my cake-server, Sirius?

jadedsirius @ 2004-02-09 02:43 pm UTC

Thanks, Moony, I talked to Hagrid earlier and he's going to keep me stocked up on Jarveys for the week, since I've got a soft spot for puffskeins and don't really want to witness her tucking into them.

I haven't seen the cake-server, or at least, not since the last time we used it, which was a while ago now.

lupercus @ 2004-02-09 05:01 pm UTC

Oh, that's true, she does like Jarveys. That's very decent of Hagrid to help you out. I know you're not too fond of cats.

It's very odd about the cake-server. It's not the only of my prized possessions that's not around at the moment. Though, I suppose I could find the other one if I just looked hard enough, or asked around.

How is school going? I'm a touch homesick. Entertain me.
