missgranger @ 2004-03-08 06:32 pm UTC |
Ron, you're supposed to be working, not playing.
 knight_to_h3 @ 2004-03-08 06:37 pm UTC |
I'M TRYING! Tell that to the monkey!
missgranger @ 2004-03-08 06:40 pm UTC |
It's a gorilla, actually.
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-03-08 06:51 pm UTC |
potterstinks @ 2004-03-08 06:40 pm UTC |
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-03-08 06:48 pm UTC |
SDGKJSDvf like I'm not annoyed enough already!
potterstinks @ 2004-03-08 06:50 pm UTC |
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-03-08 06:57 pm UTC |
OH HA HA. Get fucked!
petitemillicent @ 2004-03-08 07:04 pm UTC |
finch_fletchley @ 2004-03-08 07:09 pm UTC |
Does it really?!
potterstinks @ 2004-03-08 07:17 pm UTC |
finch_fletchley @ 2004-03-08 07:20 pm UTC |
Fuck you, man.
missgranger @ 2004-03-08 07:24 pm UTC |
Malfoy, shut up and go away.
just_harry @ 2004-03-08 08:35 pm UTC |
Do you want to go back to Gryffindor?
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-03-08 08:40 pm UTC |
I do.
just_harry @ 2004-03-08 08:41 pm UTC |
Because of the monkey?
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-03-08 08:47 pm UTC |
Yeah, that and my chair won't stop twitching.
just_harry @ 2004-03-08 08:50 pm UTC |
You can have mine if Hermione isn't done yet.
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-03-08 08:56 pm UTC |
That's all right, I'm sick of homework. Want to go have a round of chess or something?
missgranger @ 2004-03-08 08:58 pm UTC |
You're not even half done, are you?
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-03-08 08:59 pm UTC |
Yeah, I am, sure!
just_harry @ 2004-03-08 09:03 pm UTC |
Well to be fair, his chair did come to life.
missgranger @ 2004-03-08 09:07 pm UTC |
But I took care of it!
just_harry @ 2004-03-08 09:08 pm UTC |
It's still traumatic.
just_harry @ 2004-03-08 09:15 pm UTC |
We should probably go see Hagrid because he told me he was making rock cakes for us.
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-03-08 07:09 pm UTC |
petitemillicent @ 2004-03-08 07:13 pm UTC |
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-03-08 07:17 pm UTC |
LKSJVKSDFH WEG43TG #$ty#)$(f $efgK
petitemillicent @ 2004-03-08 07:20 pm UTC |

M. B.
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-03-08 07:29 pm UTC |
Yeah, don't even try.
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-03-08 07:19 pm UTC |
wrong icon.
potterstinks @ 2004-03-08 07:29 pm UTC |
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-03-08 07:34 pm UTC |
potterstinks @ 2004-03-08 07:36 pm UTC |
Pardon? Is something the matter?
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-03-08 07:43 pm UTC |
potterstinks @ 2004-03-08 07:45 pm UTC |
I can't help what the dastardly monkey says.
missgranger @ 2004-03-08 07:39 pm UTC |
Oh, honestly! What are you trying to do, start another hexing war?
potterstinks @ 2004-03-08 07:44 pm UTC |
Oh, honestly, Granger, as though your life couldn't do with a bit of excitement.
missgranger @ 2004-03-08 07:47 pm UTC |
Making Ron's chair come alive and buck him off is more annoying than exciting. We're trying to get our homework done, so leave us alone.
potterstinks @ 2004-03-08 07:52 pm UTC |
Must you be in the library?
missgranger @ 2004-03-08 07:55 pm UTC |
Must you?
potterstinks @ 2004-03-08 07:57 pm UTC |
Must you ask?
just_harry @ 2004-03-08 07:49 pm UTC |
Hermione gets really excited when Ron's chair comes to life. How'd you know?
potterstinks @ 2004-03-08 07:54 pm UTC |
Because Granger is precisely the type of person to be fond of furniture.
just_harry @ 2004-03-08 08:05 pm UTC |
Yeah, Hermione's always going on about French doors and stuff like that. And decorating. And planning to decorate houses three years before she gets them. Hermione's so weird.
potterstinks @ 2004-03-08 08:17 pm UTC |
Are you implying that you wish Granger were me? How obsessive.
just_harry @ 2004-03-08 08:28 pm UTC |
No. I'd rather she was Hermione.
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2004-03-08 06:52 pm UTC |
T_T That's not a cute monkey.
 pinkstarsgirlie @ 2004-03-08 06:49 pm UTC |
A purple monkey? :OOOOOOOO How cute! I want one! *_*
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-03-08 06:55 pm UTC |
No you don't.
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2004-03-08 07:03 pm UTC |
No, I don't. *^_^*
blushcrush @ 2004-03-08 07:50 pm UTC |
Oh, don't bother trying to remove the bloody Bonzi Buddy, some idiot puts them back on all the computers every single day. Just try distracting it or something!
knight_to_h3 @ 2004-03-08 07:57 pm UTC |
It keeps telling jokes, WHAT SADIST IS DOING THIS??
potterstinks @ 2004-03-08 07:59 pm UTC |
It seems quite suspicious to me that Gogo knows that 'some idiot' puts them back on the computers 'every day.'
blushcrush @ 2004-03-08 08:05 pm UTC |
Well, Drakey, I do visit the library often, so I have noticed.
potterstinks @ 2004-03-08 08:06 pm UTC |
Yes, I've noticed, as occasionally I end up in the same chair you've just used and can tell immediately.
petitemillicent @ 2004-03-08 08:18 pm UTC |
Dear G. W.,
L. J.
petitemillicent @ 2004-03-08 08:15 pm UTC |
Perhaps her LiveJournal is telling her to instal Bonzi Buddy on all of the computers.
M. B.
potterstinks @ 2004-03-08 08:24 pm UTC |
Actually, I suspect the he-Weasley's just snapped from the pressure of N.E.W.T.s and has done it to himself.
susanbones @ 2004-03-08 08:25 pm UTC |
i like it :/