scotchtartan in nocturne_alley @ 2004-04-01 05:35:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Attn, students and staff:
In order to further your education outside of the facility of Hogwarts, during the next week all sixth and seven year students will be attending an excursion at Fallywell Fields near Crystal Lake, south of Hogsmeade. Over 6, 7 and 8 April, students and a select group of professors will stay in the outdoors, where students will learn skills that cannot be provided within the interior of a castle. Tents will be provided, and an itinerary will be handed out shortly. After returning to Hogwarts on 9 April, those students who have chosen to return home for the Easter holiday may take the train from Hogsmeade Station at 15.30.
Please be assured that all precautions have been taken to ensure your perfect safety. Alastor Moody and Kingsley Shacklebolt, will be joining us on this excursion. We are pleased to say that this will offer sixth and seventh year students the opportunity to receive extra defence lessons straight from a current and former Auror of the Ministry of Magic.
Permission forms have been distributed to your parents by way of owl. It is worth noting that for seventh years, this will provide excellent training for your N.E.W.T.s.
The professors selected as chaperones are as follows:
Professor McGonagall
Professor Snape
Professor Black
Professor Sinistra
Professor Wiglorn
Please select a group of four (4) people you would like to room with during this excursion. All members of your party must be of the same gender and house.
Thank you,
Professor M. McGonagall
wehaveseven @ 2004-04-01 03:17 am UTC |
HOORAY AN EXCURSION! Sign me up with Ron, Harry Potter and that Irish chap!!!
scotchtartan @ 2004-04-01 03:19 am UTC |
Arthur, do you and Perkins not have responsibilities for that week?
(parent)wehaveseven @ 2004-04-01 03:20 am UTC |
Oh well yes but Perkins should be fine! I need the fresh air!
(parent)wehaveseven @ 2004-04-01 03:24 am UTC |
Well yes but it's dark and gloomy there and the Fields are just so CHIPPER! COME ON PLEASE PROFESSOR I'LL BE ON MY BEST!!
(parent)scotchtartan @ 2004-04-01 03:26 am UTC |
He's an old man, Arthur!
I think you would be of better use to the Ministry.
wehaveseven @ 2004-04-01 03:37 am UTC |
(parent)missgranger @ 2004-04-01 03:17 am UTC |
I've read about Fallywell Fields and Crystal Lake but I've never had the opportunity to see them. This should prove interesting!
pinkstarsgirlie @ 2004-04-01 03:53 am UTC |
Crystal Lake is so prettiful (",) it sparkles when the sun sets ^_^ soooo beautiful!
(parent)missgranger @ 2004-04-01 03:54 am UTC |
Yes, I've heard that. I'm looking forward to seeing it myself.
(parent)pinkstarsgirlie @ 2004-04-01 03:55 am UTC |
You can be in me and Parvie's tent!! I'll fix your nails ^_~
(parent)missgranger @ 2004-04-01 03:57 am UTC |
Oh, thank you, Lavender. I'd like to share a tent with you and Parvati. And thanks, but I do like my nails blue.
(parent)pinkstarsgirlie @ 2004-04-01 03:59 am UTC |
Maybe you'll change your mind ^_^ I've got lots of colours, maybe aquamarine?
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ 2004-04-01 03:19 am UTC |
Hang on, what are we learning how to do that can't be done in the school, set up tents???
![]() knight_to_h3 @ 2004-04-01 03:22 am UTC |
I don't think I'll need this skill for later in life
(parent)missgranger @ 2004-04-01 03:26 am UTC |
Well, you're lucky the tents will already be set up, as I would have made you set yours up on your own.
(parent)pinkstarsgirlie @ 2004-04-01 03:24 am UTC |
Oooooh tents!! It will be like a slumber party! Can we bring our pets? ^_^
scotchtartan @ 2004-04-01 03:25 am UTC |
That depends upon the animal, Brown. What is your pet?
(parent)divineparvati @ 2004-04-01 03:32 am UTC |
Who really cares About tents when Kingsley Shacklebolt is Going?
(parent)pinkstarsgirlie @ 2004-04-01 03:37 am UTC |
But they are so sweet ^_^!!!! They're so in luv. I clipped out that pic of them from the Daily Prophet!!
(parent)petitemillicent @ 2004-04-01 03:59 am UTC |
Surprisingly, they know how to write.
I hear Mad-Eye is single.
M. B.
petitemillicent @ 2004-04-01 04:04 am UTC |
You have been worried about my love life?
I am touched.
M. B.
divineparvati @ 2004-04-01 03:46 am UTC |
Well I don't know, I don't Mind red so much Either a bit.
(parent)potterstinks @ 2004-04-01 03:25 am UTC |
MAD-EYE MOODY is going? The same person who was STUFFED IN A TRUNK for months without noticing?
Thank you for confirming that this is, in fact, Hell.
divineparvati @ 2004-04-01 03:35 am UTC |
Good ol' Excursion's coming, Isn't he? It wouldn't be half As fun without Him.
(parent)pe_eee_ee_eeves @ 2004-04-01 03:39 am UTC |
ghosties love fallywellfieldies!!!!!!!! AND SOME OF THEM ARNT AS NICE AS ICKLE PEEVESIE
petitemillicent @ 2004-04-01 03:46 am UTC |
Pansy Parkinson.
Draco Malfoy.
Millicent Bulstrode.
M. B.
scotchtartan @ 2004-04-01 03:49 am UTC |
Parkinson and yourself make two. Two more, Bulstrode.
(parent)petitemillicent @ 2004-04-01 03:54 am UTC |
Draco has never laid a hand on me.
We will keep him bound and gagged.
M. B.
scotchtartan @ 2004-04-01 04:00 am UTC |
Thank you for the disturbing questions that comment has raised.
May I suggest Davis and Greengrass?
petitemillicent @ 2004-04-01 04:03 am UTC |
I did not know you liked footsies.
I am not surprised.
M. B.
potterstinks @ 2004-04-01 04:05 am UTC |
Yes, I quite like my foot hitting your teeth. I'm sentimental that way.
(parent)petitemillicent @ 2004-04-01 04:09 am UTC |
My two front baby teeth.
You remembered.
I feel a tear coming on.
M. B.
potterstinks @ 2004-04-01 04:13 am UTC |
I always remember my finest moments, don't be an idiot.
(parent)petitemillicent @ 2004-04-01 04:16 am UTC |
Never mind.
It was not a tear.
It was just gas.
M. B.
dooglevoluna @ 2004-04-01 07:26 am UTC |
Can I share a tent with Weasley? I'm not a Gryffindor but I can be quick on my feet.
scotchtartan @ 2004-04-01 09:19 am UTC |
If we make one exception, we'll have to make forty. Sorry, Lovegood.