petitemillicent in nocturne_alley @ 2004-05-02 09:29:00

We won.


Weasley is still in hospital.

I however roam free.

My clavicle is still healing.

I do not know why everyone is being dramatic and cryptic.

I would post an entry philosophising about winning Quidditch but I do not care.

Draco's mother is not dead, if you were wondering.

I do not know why people are acting like she is.

I would have posted earlier but I do not run to the computer every time something important happens.

M. B.


artistic_flower @ 2004-05-02 03:44 am UTC

Well, surely somebody has passed away, if all of this subtlely and suspense has been for nothing I'll have to be fairly unimpressed.

petitemillicent @ 2004-05-02 03:46 am UTC

Perhaps it will be you.

M. B.

artistic_flower @ 2004-05-02 03:51 am UTC

Passed, not going to pass. That really wasn't very intimidating, I hope you realise.

petitemillicent @ 2004-05-02 03:56 am UTC

I am sorry.

I am busy celebrating my victory.

You will have to comment to someone who cares.

M. B.

artistic_flower @ 2004-05-02 05:58 am UTC

I can't believe nobody died. How anti-climactic.

blushcrush @ 2004-05-02 06:13 am UTC

Oh, that's nice.

artistic_flower @ 2004-05-02 07:02 am UTC

Oh, Ginny! My apologies! I meant no offence to you or your family, I swear it.

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 04:37 am UTC

I do not know why people have been acting as though I were, either.

Narcissa Peltier Malfoy

petitemillicent @ 2004-05-02 04:47 am UTC

That is good to know.

M. B.

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 04:48 am UTC

It is good to know that I don't know something? You truly are a Slytherin, dear.

Narcissa Peltier Malfoy

petitemillicent @ 2004-05-02 04:50 am UTC


I just had nothing to say.

M. B.

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 04:52 am UTC

That is quite all right. I find that, in light of the events starting with the eve prior to my birthday, I rather feel as though I, too, have nothing to say.

Narcissa Peltier Malfoy

petitemillicent @ 2004-05-02 04:59 am UTC

I am just bored.

M. B.

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 05:03 am UTC

Bored I am not. I am, however, exhausted and emotionally spent. I would expect you to be tired as well, considering your game yesterday.

Narcissa Peltier Malfoy

petitemillicent @ 2004-05-02 05:06 am UTC

I am tired of Hogwarts professors who think it is funny to make sure Slytherin should not win anything.

M. B.

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 05:08 am UTC

Oh? But Slytherin won the game yesterday; I was there and quite distinctly remember the score.

Narcissa Peltier Malfoy

petitemillicent @ 2004-05-02 05:10 am UTC

That is funny.

So do I.

M. B.

purestblood @ 2004-05-02 02:34 pm UTC

What shall we do about Draco's robes from Friday night? He left them in his suite, and I don't know if he wants them back. Did he say anything to you as to the disposition of that outfit?

potterstinks @ 2004-05-02 02:40 pm UTC

Father, I am fond of those robes, so I imagine one of the elves can simply get the snake scent out of them.

purestblood @ 2004-05-02 02:43 pm UTC

I knew you were fond of them, so I wasn't sure. I'll put one of the elves to the task straight away.

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 03:24 pm UTC

Dacey was ever so excellent at getting stains and scents out of robes. I do not know if Kiki, the house-elf your father gave me this morning as a belated birthday present, is as skilled.

potterstinks @ 2004-05-02 04:01 pm UTC

I'm certain she'll be trained eventually.

blondenarcissa @ 2004-05-02 04:02 pm UTC

I suppose so, dear.

knight_to_h3 @ 2004-05-02 05:14 am UTC


petitemillicent @ 2004-05-02 05:16 am UTC

My clavicle is all right.

Thank you for asking.

M. B.

purestblood @ 2004-05-02 01:39 pm UTC

You know that the Manor is always open to you, should you need a quiet place to recuperate, Miss Bulstrode.

petitemillicent @ 2004-05-02 01:40 pm UTC

Will I get to go to fancy meetings too?

M. B.

purestblood @ 2004-05-02 01:59 pm UTC

I don't imagine you'd be very interested in any "fancy meetings" that might take place at the Manor. You are a welcome guest, as always, but you are not a Malfoy.

petitemillicent @ 2004-05-02 02:16 pm UTC

I remind myself of that every day.

It is good to have something to cheer me up.

M. B.

purestblood @ 2004-05-02 02:17 pm UTC

And how is your family doing, Miss Bulstrode? I hear so little about them. I trust they're all well?

petitemillicent @ 2004-05-02 02:23 pm UTC

They are alive.

M. B.

purestblood @ 2004-05-02 02:25 pm UTC

You'd be surprised how much that's worth these days.
