potterstinks in nocturne_alley @ 2002-07-15 23:32:00

Current mood:enraged

Attention: Parvati Spotil.
If you want your violet spots gone so badly, I suggest you either start memorising your Potions text, or go to your 'last resort': me. Ha ha. Oh, it's so awful, having to rely on a Slytherin, isn't it? I pity you, really. Oh, wait, no, that's me I pity. For having to interact with a Gryffindor because of my charitable nature.

If you really want them gone, you can come to the Potions lab after classes tomorrow. Now, I'm not going to go handing this out for free, you realise. This Potion took quite a bit of time to make, and frankly, I don't know that you even deserve it. However, I imagine I could probably come up with a fair trade.

As for you, Millicent, I see you still haven't admitted that I'm a responsible person. Until then, you can remain violet. The angry bull look is a good one for you. Although, really, I don't think the violet had anything to do with that.


purestblood @ 2002-07-16 06:44 pm UTC


I am most pleased that you have taken the opportunity to use this situation and teach others the importance of capitalism. Again, we Malfoys strive to set an example for others and you are doing a fine job. I commend you on your efforts.

I am sending you a new set of Quidditch robes, as I detected a slight grass stain on the hem of your old ones. I had these made to the measurements we took at the beginning of the school year. If they are unsatisfactory in any way, please let me know.

Your mother sends her love.

Your father

potterstinks @ 2002-07-18 06:58 pm UTC


Of course.

Your pride and joy,
