potions_master in nocturne_alley @ 2002-07-19 01:22:00

Current mood:malcontent
Current music:gustav mahler - das lied von der erde

apparently, hell really does have no such fury….
Miss Parkinson:

While I can understand you're being upset at the course of events, it is unseemly to House Slytherin to air out dirty laundry so to speak. Leave the domestic chores to the house elves, shall we?

I am, quite frankly, aghast that you would take such rumors seriously. Malfoy is neither spelled like, nor does it even remotely sound like Delacour. I can only assume that you have come to the conclusion that this is so because you are attributing blond hair and a French surname as evidence of having Veela heritage. I have known the Malfoys for the entirety of my life -- I know as a matter of certainty that this "Malfoys are Veelas" rumor is false.

However, I believe those with Veela parentage (such as the formidable Miss Fleur Delacour) will take issue with your charges that they have less than pure blood. Allow me to dispel these, erm, allegations by referring you to the library to The Complete Veela Peerage by Georgina Esther Causey. Veelas, like werewolves and vampires, are marginally considered magical creatures. However, there is no mistaking that they are human, with a bit of enhancement, if you will.

I am practically cringing that I have to deduct points from Slytherin for your appalling lack of research into Mr. Malfoy's family tree. I am very unhappy that I have to take twenty points from Slytherin.

I am sure that Miss Bulstrode will be happy to find that this post cancels out all her points awarded in Charms.

Good day.

-Professor Snape


purestblood @ 2002-07-19 02:33 am UTC


Is it at all possible for you to be at Malfoy Manor at 3 o'clock on Saturday? Miss Parkinson will be visiting Draco and myself, to explain her recent actions, and I wish for her to have some blood taken, to perhaps further uncover the reasons for her behavior. There is no one I'd trust with the task more than yourself.

Please let me know by Friday if this would be convenient for you. You may see my reply to Miss Parkinson's post for further details.


potions_master @ 2002-07-19 09:43 am UTC


I shall make it a point to clear my schedule off in order to be at Malfoy Manor tomorrow.


potterstinks @ 2002-07-19 05:47 am UTC

I'm not surprised, Professor, that you wouldn't be so shallow to listen to petty rumours. Father and I both appreciate the fact that you've posted the truth on this matter. I suppose it is true, what they say -- Slytherins need to stick together. Perhaps the Sorting Hat should be reconsidering its choice in putting Pansy Parkinson in this House.

potions_master @ 2002-07-19 09:44 am UTC

Alas, Mr. Malfoy, once the hat sorts a child into a house, there is no reassignment. I am sure Miss Parkinson has her reasons. I cannot fathom what these reasons are, but I am certain she will enlighten us.

-Professor Snape
