wheresmytoad in nocturne_alley @ 2002-07-25 22:05:00

Current mood: chipper
Current music:Celestina Warbeck

I talked to Professor Snape yesterday and he gave Lavender, Parvati and I permission to hold storytime at the Hogsmeade Library!

:) :) :)

It's going to be bril!

We transfigured some socks into puppets! I'm going to read, and Lavender and Parvati are going to run the puppet show part. I hope my scary voice is properly scary. I've been pratising a lot.

Seamus did ask me to stop practising when he's around, though.

I heard that some of the Slytherins are still mad at me about the Purple Potion Incident. I talked to the other guys about it, but they said not to worry about it too much.

I guess I'll try.

