sinistra in nocturne_alley @ 2002-08-07 21:19:00 |
Current mood: | aggravated |
Current music: | "Floozy in the Ground with Earthworms" by the Roaches |
I must say that I am most unimpressed by the behaviour of certain self-respected wizards at this recent Lantern Festival. Of course, as the old adage goes, when the flobberworm is away, no one gives a damn. Nonetheless, I had been certain that Looshie would not let an untrained housepet get the better of him. Tsk. Tsk.
I believe that this Lantern Festival would have gone to the gutter without the addition of Hooch's flask of Ogden's Old Firewhisky. Severus, who has always been quite the lightweight, certainly made things rather interesting for those of us who are able to manage walking while under the influence. Alas, I was unable to convince him to folk-dance, but I believe the rousing rendition of the foxtrot he managed to perform on my legs when he tripped me was festive enough for Severus. Or perhaps that was a root.
Severus, Minerva, Albus, and I were given the ever so charming privilege of judging this year's lantern contest. Of course, as always, several of the lanterns had caught on fire. However, I do believe that the amount of students who had nearly drowned in the lake during the procession evened out the balance of fire and water.
One lantern, in particular, that I had noticed catching fire was Mr. Finch-Fletchley's; however, upon closer inspection, I discovered that the nametag attached to his smouldering lantern read "susan bones." Ms. Bones, while your display of boring Hufflepuff traits is quite normal, I should like to remind you that there is no switching of lanterns permitted. Somehow, I do not think the lantern that claimed to be Mr. Finch-Fletchley's, and was decorated with a windcatcher, belonged to him. For this, I will have to deduct eleven points from Hufflepuff House, and I would now like to enjoy a raucous laugh at Mr. Finch-Fletchley, who is surely humiliated that a girl took pity on his poor lantern. Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha HA!
Severus and I managed to convince Albus and Minerva that Ms. Bulstrode's lantern should at least take a place in the contest for creativity. I do believe we got rather loud in our ministrations; however, I am not entirely sure why, as I do not remember what Ms. Bulstrode's lantern looked like. Nor, at this moment, am I entirely sure what Ms. Bulstrode looks like. Good show, nonetheless.
I have to say that the only cure for a hangover is a good Bloody Morgana. Severus, I am most surprised that you have not hooked one to your veins. I, myself, am quite free of hangovers, and have been all week. It is amazing what a Bloody Morgana with every meal will do for you.
Xiomara and I had the most charming evening while the fireworks display was going off. I had thought that we had spent the entire evening casting charms at Mr. Macmillan's feet, but having read his journal, it seems he was up a tree the entire time. I am not quite sure which unfortunate Hufflepuff found himself stalked, but I would just like to point out that it was all a rouse in good fun. The Hufflepuff in question should also be advised that any resemblance he has to Mr. Macmillan will not turn out for the best for him, as paranoia is a game the whole family likes to exploit.
However, the most exciting thing of all this weekend was the absence of one Professor Severus Snape all day Sunday. Not only that, but the appearance of one Lucius Malfoy in the staff's quarters on Sunday morning. Oh, yes, Mr. Malfoy, that bowler hat may be a disguise where you come from, but your razorblade chin will give you away every time.
I very nearly forgot to mention. In my last rounds around the Hogwarts grounds after the festival to ensure that Mr. Filch was cleaning up good and proper, I was forced to take four points from Slytherin and six from Gryffindor. Children, I should hope that you will all remember that staying out on the grounds when professors are still lurking is very stupid. Please. If you are going to sneak out, at least try to muster some enthusiasm for the art of stealth.