erniemacmillan in nocturne_alley @ 2002-08-09 00:23:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
This is blasphemy! This is ludicrous! This is a cunning scheme worked up in the mind of a man who hates Hufflepuffs! Oh, you all didn't believe me. "That crazy Ernie," you said. "Hufflepuff House would never get a big detention because of Harry Potter. Professor Snape is a kind and caring man who would never commit such an atrocity."
Thanks a lot, Potter! Why'd you have to go and melt that cauldron, anyway?! If you were really such a good guy, you'd come and clean out the pipes yourself instead of making us do it.
I bet this is all some sort of scheme Potter cooked up. No one can get into trouble that many times without doing it on purpose! Since he knows he won't get detentions for this stuff, he's messing up whenever he feels like it.
Oh, I bet it started out small. A missed assignment here, a skipped class there. But then, the power got to his head. He realised he was making everyone else suffer, and he liked it. Then, he started having bigger dreams. Melted cauldrons. Entire days' worth of lessons, skipped. A detention to Hufflepuff House because of his clumsiness. It makes me wonder if he hasn't cut a deal with Professor Snape on the side. I wouldn't be surprised, you know. Maybe he and Snape are really operating a grand sting operation. Then at night they sit back and laugh. Potter gets no detentions, and Snape gets the pleasure of making the whole school suffer.
I am ON to your macabre partnership, Potter! If you want to play teacher's pet, that's fine, but don't bring the rest of us into it!!!
Or, better yet! Maybe Dumbledore is the evil mastermind behind this whole thing. You know how close Potter is with the old man. Maybe Snape is just a pawn in their evil game! Oh, sure, you can say what you like about Dumbledore--kind, giving, understanding, always nodding sagely with a twinkle in his eye--but that's just a clever charade! Really, he's just treating us all as play things. Him and Potter. They're just setting us up and knocking us down. And Snape got thrown into the mix, just to throw us off track! Of course we'd all suspect Snape. That's what you want us to think, ISN'T IT, Headmaster?!
![]() finch_fletchley @ 2002-08-09 05:38 pm UTC |
I knew it! I should have listened to you. I kind of hoped that maybe they'd change their mind about Hufflepuff having to do detention for Potter, but I guess not!
I just can't believe it. I'm really mad about this.
missgranger @ 2002-08-09 10:06 pm UTC |
Oh honestly you two! Harry doesn't have anything to do with this! He doesn't want anyone to have a detention! The whole situation just is not fair!
(parent)finch_fletchley @ 2002-08-10 12:47 am UTC |
So you say, Hermione. You didn't have to do anything like clean out pipes did you? Well, that's all good and well for you to say because you don't have to, but I'll tell you, we in Hufflepuff are a bit put out by having to serve detention for Potter. No, I'm not happy.
We could have used Saturday to practice our Quidditch strategy for the upcoming Hufflepuff vs. Gryffindor match, but that's clearly not going to happen. I truly hope that this is not a ruse to keep us off our game.
missgranger @ 2002-08-10 09:05 pm UTC |
Apparently you've forgotten that back when Professor Snape began giving out detentions to other people for things Harry had supposedly done, I was the first he assigned detention to. And it wasn't the entire House, either - I had to do it by myself. So yes, I do know what I'm talking about here, and I can assure you, Harry has nothing to do with this.